Xbox reveal in April; bets on Destiny presence?

by Beckx, Friday, February 22, 2013, 09:05 (4131 days ago)

CVG and others have evidence pointing to an early April Xbox reveal.


Man, I hate myself for it, but I already feel the hype building. I wanted to avoid buying all three consoles again, but I'm probably a lost cause if MS nixes the rumored negatives to the console (mandatory kinect installation, always online, etc.). Cave, MOSS and G-Rev weren't on the Sony list of developers (when similar smaller JP devs were), so MS, plz, don't hard region lock JP consoles.

I wonder if Bungie shows up with Destiny again? Absence would fuel the "bad blood" story, I guess. But then, as EA's absence at the Sony conf shows, the absence of any major publisher when others are on stage will fuel all kinds of rumors.

Good times.

Xbox reveal in April; bets on Destiny presence?

by Kalamari @, Waiting for Ghorn, FB, and BH, Friday, February 22, 2013, 09:59 (4131 days ago) @ Beckx

I think it's safe to say we will at least see it mentioned during the presentation. I don't think MS would pass on the opportunity to hype their new console with a huge title like Destiny. Maybe we will even see the return Bungie's boy band, Awkward Blazer, at the reveal event.

I really can't wait to hear about Forza 5, I think it will rock my world. I have a feeling it's going to be AMAZING!

Xbox reveal in April; bets on Destiny presence?

by Beckx, Friday, February 22, 2013, 10:10 (4131 days ago) @ Kalamari

I think it's safe to say we will at least see it mentioned during the presentation. I don't think MS would pass on the opportunity to hype their new console with a huge title like Destiny. Maybe we will even see the return Bungie's boy band, Awkward Blazer, at the reveal event.

I really can't wait to hear about Forza 5, I think it will rock my world. I have a feeling it's going to be AMAZING!

Winter Brawl 13 this weekend! We can watch Yipes flame out at another major. :P

Xbox reveal in April; bets on Destiny presence?

by Beckx, Sunday, February 24, 2013, 20:30 (4129 days ago) @ Beckx

Winter Brawl 13 this weekend! We can watch Yipes flame out at another major. :P

Oh god. I didn't really mean it.

Poor Yipes. :(

Xbox reveal in April; bets on Destiny presence?

by GrimBrother One, Friday, February 22, 2013, 10:59 (4131 days ago) @ Kalamari

Forza 5 will claim me as well... Just talking about it makes me want to play 4 some more soon.


Xbox reveal in April; bets on Destiny presence?

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Friday, February 22, 2013, 13:16 (4131 days ago) @ GrimBrother One

I've been playing 4 a lot lately. Tuning up and using a lot of the cars I owned but didn't use much (I felt bad for ignoring them, lol).


Xbox reveal in April; bets on Destiny presence?

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Monday, February 25, 2013, 13:25 (4128 days ago) @ Kalamari

I really can't wait to hear about Forza 5, I think it will rock my world. I have a feeling it's going to be AMAZING!

Agreed. All I really want out of Forza 5 is more tracks (or downloadable tracks, something I felt they could have done in Forza 4 but never really took advantage of), and AI that appears to have SOME awareness of whether my vehicle is nearby. Other than that, it could basically be Forza 4 with slightly better graphics and a few new cars and I would still love it.

However, it's ludicrous to think that's all they would improve. Clearly, they are going to go all-out, like they always do. So I'm prepared to see no less than the greatest driving game ever made.


Track designer or go home *NM*

by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Monday, February 25, 2013, 15:06 (4128 days ago) @ stabbim


Seriously, though, it would be awesome.


Xbox reveal in April; bets on Destiny presence?

by biggy ⌂ @, Tinseltown, Friday, February 22, 2013, 11:27 (4131 days ago) @ Beckx

It would be a bit silly if MS didn't at least say " We have it too."

Xbox reveal in April; bets on Destiny presence?

by Smee, Friday, February 22, 2013, 11:57 (4131 days ago) @ Beckx

It would be madness for Bungie to diss their xbox fans. You don't bite the hand that fed you, even if you start seeing other hands with food.

Why wld not being on stage in April be "dissing" their fans?

by Beckx, Friday, February 22, 2013, 12:21 (4131 days ago) @ Smee

- No text -

Why wld not being on stage in April be "dissing" their fans?

by Smee, Friday, February 22, 2013, 12:51 (4131 days ago) @ Beckx

You said it yourself:

I wonder if Bungie shows up with Destiny again? Absence would fuel the "bad blood" story, I guess.

If Bungie declined an opportunity to back 720 as a release platform, especially after promising ps3/4 exclusive content, many of their fans who have xboxes (I am betting that;s a majority) will feel left out, and upset. They would feel slighted by Bungie.

Which is why Bungie won't do that.

Why wld not being on stage in April be "dissing" their fans?

by Beckx, Friday, February 22, 2013, 13:06 (4131 days ago) @ Smee

Why would you think their absence meant they declined the opportunity? Why would you think Activision isn't publishing on 720? Why do you think they owe you an appearance?

Prior to Wednesday, anyone going from the prior history of PlayStation Meeting announcements would have told you there would be no third parties present, no games shown. Two days later the idea that MS may not trot out Bungie is a diss?

No, it's not.

Why wld not being on stage in April be "dissing" their fans?

by Claude Errera @, Friday, February 22, 2013, 13:12 (4131 days ago) @ Beckx

Why do you think they owe you an appearance?

And that, ladies and gentleman, is a fantastic example of why I love Neil Gaiman. Everyone should read that.


Why wld not being on stage in April be "dissing" their fans?

by Leviathan ⌂, Hotel Zanzibar, Friday, February 22, 2013, 14:14 (4131 days ago) @ Claude Errera

But halfway through, I realized I had read it before. :)

A year ago, I realized I was reading Gaiman's journal too much. I started to notice I agreed with everything he ever said. Had to take a break, make sure I wasn't growing into a far less-talented clone of him.

Of course, then I started re-reading Sandman again. Nice loophole, brain!


Why wld not being on stage in April be "dissing" their fans?

by SonofMacPhisto @, Saturday, February 23, 2013, 08:39 (4131 days ago) @ Claude Errera

I'd never read that, thanks for highlighting it.

I'm going to have a script written where everytime someone asks when Half Life 3 is coming out, that gets posted.


Why wld not being on stage in April be "dissing" their fans?

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Saturday, February 23, 2013, 11:16 (4130 days ago) @ SonofMacPhisto

So when is Half-Life 3 coming out?

Why wld not being on stage in April be "dissing" their fans?

by Smee, Friday, February 22, 2013, 14:03 (4131 days ago) @ Beckx
edited by Smee, Friday, February 22, 2013, 14:34

Why would you think their absence meant they declined the opportunity? Why would you think Activision isn't publishing on 720? Why do you think they owe you an appearance?

Prior to Wednesday, anyone going from the prior history of PlayStation Meeting announcements would have told you there would be no third parties present, no games shown. Two days later the idea that MS may not trot out Bungie is a diss?

No, it's not.

Wow, slow down there, cowboy! You are reading way too much into my speculation. If you reread my comments, I hope you will see that I am simply trying to agree with you. My intent was not to demand anything, I am just guessing what might happen next. Perhaps my phrasing has been confusing, so let me start again:

I think Bungie will take any opportunity offered to attend an xbox release announcement. One of the many reasons I think would, is to allay any concerns xbox players have of them being left out in the cold (as many have indicated they feel - wrongly imo). As their biggest exposure to the market to date is though xbox, I think Bungie would consider the platform very important, and would take an opportunity to ensure their ties to the platform remain very strong.

EDIT: I have clarified myself further in the thread. I realise now how badly my first two posts read, and how poorly they got across what I was trying to say. So, sorry!

Why wld not being on stage in April be "dissing" their fans?

by Kalamari @, Waiting for Ghorn, FB, and BH, Friday, February 22, 2013, 14:16 (4131 days ago) @ Beckx

People who buy in to the "bad blood" theory between Bungie and MS will always come up with some sort of proof that it exists. It's a topic that will probably always be part of the conversation, whether we like it or not.

Also, I think bearing grudges, and letting them over-influence business decisions, is not a smart thing to do. Especially when it clouds the bigger picture. If there is any "bad blood" at all I am sure both parties are intelligent enough to look past it.

Furthermore, I think it's silly to think that Bungie owes anything to Xbox fans or is obligated to produce an Xbox version of every game they produce. If Bungie makes a killer game, I don't care about what platform it's on, I will still want to play it.

Why wld not being on stage in April be "dissing" their fans?

by Monochron, Friday, February 22, 2013, 14:21 (4131 days ago) @ Beckx

Good point/article and all, but I don't think they "owe" us anything. I think it is the correct busniess move to make yourself available to your most rabid fans. They spent years developing for xbox, which means that virtually everyone who was a fan of halo owned an Xbox. Logically you want to keep providing on that platform.
There are Xbox fanboys out there who will never buy a Playstation and Bungie and Activision know that.

I can say with, dare I say, absolute certainty that they plan to be on the next Xbox. Hopefully at launch.


Why wld not being on stage in April be "dissing" their fans?

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Friday, February 22, 2013, 13:41 (4131 days ago) @ Smee

You said it yourself:

I wonder if Bungie shows up with Destiny again? Absence would fuel the "bad blood" story, I guess.

That's not an entirely accurate assessment of Beckx's statement.

What he DID say is that their absence would probably fuel rumors - which it would. There are some out there who believe that there is ill will between Bungie and MS, and regardless of whether that is true (I have no idea), it's obvious to anyone that those who already believe it would likely have their beliefs reinforced by not seeing anything from Bungie at the XBox event. Bungie not there = Bungie hates MS, because internet.

What he did NOT say is that he personally believes Bungie not showing anything would be a "diss" to the fans. It's a stretch to draw that conclusion from his words.

Anyway, my thoughts on this: Bungie simply not having a showing at the XBox reveal would not be a "diss" to the fans. Neither Bungie nor Microsoft has made any promise that such a thing will happen, and they're not under ANY obligation to do so. The only justification fans would have for demanding it is "because those other guys (Sony fans) got it." Which would be fine if Sony fans had gotten something XBoxers didn't have access to, but they haven't. Everyone was able to view the PS4 event footage, so we've all seen the same Destiny information. And if that game footage was from the PS4 version, there's currently no reason to believe it won't look more or less the same on the XBox 720 version.

And before someone points out the "exclusive" PS4 content, yes I am aware. But this is about whether the PlayStation crowd got something out of the reveal itself that would be denied to the XBox crowd, and the answer is no. They might get something exclusive from the final game, but that's not the issue at hand.

That being said, if Destiny becomes as hotly anticipated as it probably will, Microsoft may very well want to make a point of the fact that Destiny is coming to their platform as well - so yes, they probably will have Bungie show something if at all possible. But they're not doing it because they feel they owe you something to make up for the Sony show. They're doing it because, if you're going to play Destiny, they want you to play it on XBox. That is all.

Why wld not being on stage in April be "dissing" their fans?

by Smee, Friday, February 22, 2013, 14:25 (4131 days ago) @ stabbim

Sorry, I have tried to make myself more clear in a separate post, and rereading my posts have made it obvious to me that I am not very literate between 1 and 4 AM :P I should refrain from posting when I haven't had any sleep!

Since the PS4 announcement, I thought that many xbox fans have felt upset by the support Bungie has given the PS3/4. I don't agree with this sentiment, and I think it is mostly based on a lack of understanding on the fan's part. Many took the sony announcement to imply Bungie is now PS exclusive. Others might not have realised that a strong 720 message from Bungie will likely only happen after Microsoft themselves reveal more about the console. I thought these options counted as the "Bad Blood' Beckx was referring to.

When I said that lack of attendance would 'diss' the xbox fans, I meant that it would foster this mis-understanding that exists with many xbox fans. I tried to imply that Bungie would take every opportunity to ensure that they maintain a strong relationship with their largest fan base, Xbox. I think they will initially draw their biggest sales from that platform. I do not personally think that Bungie would deliberately insult the fan base, but rather their absence would be perceived in that way, making it a foregone conclusion that they WOULD attend.

It was not my intent to suggest Bungie are deliberately attempting to alienate or insult portions of their fan base, or demand that somehow that I (or xbox fans) are owed anything specifically. In actual truth the only reason I own a xbox is to play Bungie games. I happily followed them from the Mac when they transitioned to consoles in the first place.

I am sorry that my original post and followup was so badly worded!


Why wld not being on stage in April be "dissing" their fans?

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Sunday, February 24, 2013, 00:19 (4130 days ago) @ Smee

Sorry, I have tried to make myself more clear in a separate post, and rereading my posts have made it obvious to me that I am not very literate between 1 and 4 AM :P I should refrain from posting when I haven't had any sleep!

Yeah I read that. I think we're actually in agreement.

Many took the sony announcement to imply Bungie is now PS exclusive. Others might not have realised that a strong 720 message from Bungie will likely only happen after Microsoft themselves reveal more about the console.

Yep, exactly. I just have to shake my head and sigh when someone tells me Destiny isn't coming to the next XBox.


Xbox reveal in April; bets on Destiny presence?

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, February 22, 2013, 14:45 (4131 days ago) @ Smee

It would be madness for Bungie to diss their xbox fans. You don't bite the hand that fed you, even if you start seeing other hands with food.

Kind of like how Bungie dissed its Mac fans by releasing Halo for the Xbox? Yes, that was disastrous and not a single Mac fan was able to play Halo :-p

Big deal.

My apologies, everyone!

by Smee, Friday, February 22, 2013, 14:54 (4131 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I am sorry, when I wrote that i was very tired and what I mean to say vs what I actually wrote down turns out to be very, very different. I have clarified what I meant to say elsewhere in the thread. If I could go back and edit my post to add this apology, I would.

It's all good. :)

by Beckx, Friday, February 22, 2013, 16:53 (4131 days ago) @ Smee

Don't beat yourself up over it.

My apologies, everyone!

by Mercury, Chicago, IL, Friday, February 22, 2013, 21:41 (4131 days ago) @ Smee

I am sorry, when I wrote that i was very tired and what I mean to say vs what I actually wrote down turns out to be very, very different. I have clarified what I meant to say elsewhere in the thread. If I could go back and edit my post to add this apology, I would.

Pretty sure you can.

Edit: See?
Edit: nvm, I see the time limit now. Pretty nifty.

Xbox reveal in April; bets on Destiny presence?

by yakaman, Sunday, February 24, 2013, 11:24 (4129 days ago) @ Beckx

I wonder if Bungie shows up with Destiny again? Absence would fuel the "bad blood" story, I guess. But then, as EA's absence at the Sony conf shows, the absence of any major publisher when others are on stage will fuel all kinds of rumors.

The simplest answer seems obvious: of course they'll be there. Why wouldn't they be? It's all good in their world now, isn't it? Freedom to do what they want, and the resources (cash, talent) to make it happen. And, multiple platforms on which to make it happen. The world is their damn oyster, and all that.

They're trying to unite the online gaming community, not drive a wedge down the middle of it by fanning the flames of inane console wars.

Related to your first paragraph, I'm wondering if this might be the generation in which I get a PS in addition to my XBox. On one hand, so much damn content! On the other, I don't have time enough as it is.

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