Orbit and Tower are problematic (Destiny)

by kapowaz, Monday, July 21, 2014, 12:54 (3575 days ago) @ scarab

But what are all those activities? The ones that aren't utility tasks? Do you just mean selecting destinations?

Right now, that's basically it — but it also encapsulates the social side of things. I guess my perspective is coloured by my experience of similar things in other games, so I'm expecting that ultimately we will get some more rich communication between players, even if it's not directly voice / text chat.

I would like to have the option of picking missions and destinations from the companion app.

I know that not everybody has one but so what? Let them use in-game mechanisms if they don't have a smart phone or tablet or don't want to go to their PC. I'm not advocating removing in-game mechanisms.

Hey if that works for you, sure. I'm really not sure what the point of that is, personally (or indeed the companion app in general… I've not found any significant purpose for it yet).

The Tower might become a ghost town and that would be a pity. The game would lose something but is it worth the hassle and does the tower deserve to live if it has nothing innately interesting about it?

Valid questions that Bungie needs to answer!

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