
So I guess I won't be joining DBO *Beta thoughts* (Destiny)

by CommandrCleavage @, USA-Midwest, Friday, July 25, 2014, 11:12 (3860 days ago) @ Revenant1988

My opinion means very little because of my practical experience with games has been very limited as of right now. I am almost more focused on figuring out how to work my sights rather than the finesse of the character development.

BUT that being said I will throw my 2 cents in. So far I only have experiences playing as a hunter. I am sure I will have many more opinions once I try as a warlock as well, Titan doesn't interest me in the least, it's definitely not my gameplay style.

Environment- You will be hard pressed to find me not liking any of the environment offered here, I am a post apocalypse junkie so this is right up my alley. Halo was a little to sterile for me to feel comfortable in. I love the dirtiness of this and the decay. Wasteland environments are my favorite so it's hard for me not to constantly want to be outside in the Mothyard.

The Tower- I dislike the tower. It makes me feel weird. I never know what I am supposed to be doing there or if I am doing the right thing. I don't understand why players can't interact with each other, it doesn't make sense to have tons of players that you can see wandering about but not having anything else to do with them. I felt bad snapping at Rev the first night when he wandered in and asked what I was doing and my immediate reaction was "I don't freaking know what I am supposed to be doing!!!"

I am hoping that once the actual game releases we find out that the tower is used for so much more. A lot of the characters in there are interesting and I want to know more about them but right now it seems like all the tower is good to for me is buying extra special ammo, and turning in my engrams not a whole lot else. I agree with Paddy that an area for barter and trade would be nice as well as you could link up with other members in a group.

The Story and Characters- The only thing I can really say is that I hope I get to see much much much more during the real game, I think it was a mistake not giving beta players more to go on story wise. So far I have not really cared about the story, just interested in shooting things. And I can play any game and shoot things, I want the Destiny story and characters to really get to you and hook you. So far not looking good.

The Gameplay- Being so new to this I liked it, I did have some problems in the beginning trying to figure out what the hell I was supposed to be doing and where it was. Once I figured a bit of that out I

Arsenal- I like the guns but there seems to be an absolute excess of them. Like Rev said, same guns with different upgrades. I do love being able to throw knives though and I prefer the Hunter melee in this, being able to stabbity stab things is super cool rather than just punch them in the face. Gets me really pumped up for the upgrades once the bladedancer is available. I like the golden gun too.

Crucible- I dislike it, not a fan of getting so turned around I can't figure out where shots are coming from. My game play needs a lot of work, so much of my frustration may just be that I am still learning but I felt really outclassed and really overwhelmed in PVP. Much like Kapowaz I think I will only play so long as I can stand getting my ass handed to me each round.

Right now I am enjoying shooting and stabbing things and hopping about in the wastelands and getting in big firefights......but I want more than that. I hope Destiny provides it.

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