I keep hoping it goes the way of the Duke (Destiny)

by Phoenix_9286 @, Friday, July 25, 2014, 22:52 (3568 days ago) @ ZackDark

In which it gets a revised, more 360-esque version later on.

This would make me happy. Especially if the revised version has a wider top on the sticks, and they have more resistance. I've demoed both an Xbox One and PS4 for a fairly lengthy period, and every time I walk away the feeling is the same. The PS4 controller is excellent, but the buttons all feel weird, and I'm not a huge fan of the triggers. Meanwhile in Xbox-ville, the sentiment is exactly the opposite. The buttons and triggers are great, it's the sticks that suck.

Why did they make the sticks feel so loose? Is it a sensitivity thing? Did that many people really clamor for more sensitivity? Didn't we have options in the games for that? Couldn't those have been tweaked instead of the controller? And why is the top of the stick so much smaller? I feel like I'm meant to be playing with the tip of my thumb and not the pad, which is far more natural.

Roll on First World Problems

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