Hey Bungie, thanks a ton for everything with this Beta! (Destiny)
I know it's not over yet, but this day has been a real treat. The Moon was awesome, and I can't wait for what's to come. I was definitely getting tired of Old Russia, and I really enjoyed the upgraded challenge that the Moon presented. Additionally, I played through the Devil's Lair again, and the enemies were way harder and I felt far more challenged than before. I'm not sure if something was tweaked, but I enjoyed it.
I've also had a blast in the Iron Banner this evening. I'm looking forward to closing this thing out for the remainder of the evening and for tomorrow. I'll post my actual thoughts and feedback in the coming days. Thanks again, Bungie!
I concur!
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Hey Bungie, thanks a ton for everything with this Beta!
I agree. But the best part was playing with you, Wilshire and everyone else the last few days, especially since I think the last time we met up online was back in the Reach days.
Hey Bungie, thanks a ton for everything with this Beta!
Agreed, a few tweeks and fixes and this game will be a real pleasure to play.
Hopefully the release content isn't limited to one zone per planet, I would really like to see the other earth zones as well as at least 8 multiplayer maps.
I agree - I really had a good time in the Beta.
Crucible issues, notwithstanding. But we're working through our issues, and there may be hope for us yet.
All in all:
- I loved the world they created. I can't wait to see more.
- I am very interested in learning the nuances of the combat/defense/agility systems.
- I am looking forward to developing my character - I really liked the RPG elements.
- I can't wait to get into some of the higher-leveled stuff like shaders and stuff
- The AI combat was great. Old Russia got old eventually, but that's only because we maxed out levels. I did get my ass handed to me on a "Defend the CommSat" Public Event that was WAY more challenging than previous. Great fun.
- I love the movement - I'm fast and my Warlock lift makes rolling through terrain and combat really enjoyable.
- Destiny will fill the perfect niche in my gaming future - Destiny for online coop (and perhaps a little MP), Dragon Age Inquisition for closed-world RPG nerd-out, and MCC/H5 Beta for MP.
- The controls are glorious. The guns impactful. The sounds, vivid and full.
I'll be promptly switching out my 360 pre-order for an XBone pre-order. Very excited to see the whole thing. I appreciate the opportunity to participate in the beta.