
Agreed. (Destiny)

by Leviathan ⌂, Hotel Zanzibar, Wednesday, July 30, 2014, 17:03 (3857 days ago) @ ShadowOfTheVoid

The disappearance of printed instruction manuals over the last couple of years has been very disappointing. When I opened my copy of Halo 4, I thought that maybe I just got a copy of the game that didn't have one. Then my roommate got his copy and I realized that it really didn't come with a manual. Little did I know that this would start to become a lot more common. Nintendo are the only ones that seem to include manuals, and even then they're vastly simplified compared to what they once were.

The best manuals truly supplement and help build the universe of the game, besides helping you play it.

I can see some games not needing them, sure. But even playing in LEGO games I've gotten confused as to which modes have certain special bricks, etc. They don't have to be super-long. Just a nice little reference...

But if you're going to be badass, yes, make a manual like the textbook that came with Morrowind, or heck make two from different perspectives, like Halo 2! Put a copy online or on mobile or whatever, sure, but give me something in a form that I can enjoy without having to look at another glowing screen (or having to own a smartphone).

Destiny is a pretty complicated game and there's a lot of numbers and a lot of modes. I really hope it has a decent manual at the least, because after a week and a half with the Beta, I still honestly don't know some of things people are talking about. Like this thread!

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