
Guardian Radio Episode 71 07/29/14 -- Post-Beta Blues (Fan Creations)

by roland ⌂ @, Wednesday, July 30, 2014, 17:10 (3849 days ago)

Episode 71: http://theguardiansofdestiny.com/2014/07/29/guardian-radio-episode-71/

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/guardian-radio/id607799620?mt=2

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/GuardiansofD

LIVE on Twitch Mondays at 10:30PM EST / 7:30PM PST: http://www.twitch.tv/guardianradio

Episode 71

The post-beta blues are upon us and Episode 71 has been deployed. This week we discuss the second phase of the Beta which finally introduced many Xbox owners to the world of Destiny. This new phase included a timed exclusive run to the Moon and for many an excursion deep into the Hellmouth and beyond. Was the Beta a success? What terrors lurk in the depth of the Hellmouth? All this and more on another packed episode of Guardian Radio.

Don’t forget to send in your questions and topics to us to feedback@theguardiansofdestiny.com. You can also hit us up on Twitter @GuardiansofD. If you enjoy the show you can subscribe to it on iTunes. Be sure to hit us up with a rating and review while you’re there. Join us for the LIVE recording of each episode every Monday on http://www.twitch.tv/guardianradio at 10:30PM EST/ 7:30PM PST. If you can’t catch the LIVE recording you can catch a replay with the Twitch chat on our YouTube channel. As always…Guardians! Embrace your Destiny!

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