Grim III's Destiny Beta Review! (Destiny)

by GrimBrotherIII, Sunday, August 03, 2014, 19:14 (3573 days ago)

I apologize for my being AFK for the better part of the most exiting time in Destiny hype thus far, the timing on some very important work trips/projects have not coincided well with my second life of Nerdom. But with that, better late than never - here is my brief synopsis of my Destiny Beta experience:

Character Creation:

Encouragement - HOLY CRAP!!! Thank you Destiny for making all of my Sci Fi character imagination dreams come true... I was totally in love with the personalities of both my Exo and Awoken Titans; I kept getting the very distinct feeling that MY Guardian was a character that looked like they really belonged, someone that looked like they had a story - and that's a pretty special feeling.

Feedback - I would LOVE to see even more customization options for each category in the final game. That would be wonderful.


Encouragement - Objectives felt solid and varied, pacing felt pretty good, Ghost dialogue is excellent, and the cinematics were powerful and engaging.

Feedback - the missions definitely feel oddly abrupt at times - if there are lots of them, then i'm good! But i think generally people are used to bigger chunks when it comes to "Campaign" missions; it will take some adjusting to.


Encouragement - Unbelievably pleasantly surprised with this mode - It felt so much like being on one of my favorite epicly time-consuming Skyrim-esque open-ended side quest rampages in the most wonderfully nostalgic way possible... Absolutely loved the objective flow and the constant battling - the faction ties also added even more validity. Can't wait to see what it's like on other planets.

Feedback - MORE!!!! Also enemy spawns in the overall play space are pretty predictable, mix it up!!!

Competitive MP:

Encouragement - As crazy as it sounds, i actually felt like it was masterfully balanced, which was a very pleasant surprise considering i felt like balancing was going to be the major issue for MP - the way that the different weapon types and class supers interacted i felt was extremely intentional. Progression felt nicely paced. Can't wait to see the other game types.

Feedback - I think the Vehicles were slightly OP in the bigger play spaces, and overall, death came a bit too swiftly for my taste, especially playing a Titan.

Overall i had an amazing experience and i cannot wait for the full game - see you all in the wild!!!


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