/End Thread (Destiny)

by Blue_Blazer_NZ, Wellington, New Zealand, Wednesday, August 06, 2014, 17:03 (3762 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

Indeed - this was said in the context of a financial call for investors etc.

That audience isn't really interested in detail like "oh we are changing the balance of the Interceptor" or "we have decided to tweak the nuances of voice chat". They essentially want assurance that the beta was successful in that this thing does not need to be delayed and isn't going to do a Battlefield 4 at launch.

Unfortunately, I imagine there are people on GAF and reddit taking this out of context and interpreting this as "Bungie is not making any changes at all, even though I want xyz added/tweaked/buffed/nerfed etc". There will always be those people.

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