
You can't do this with only video capture (Last of Us *SP*) (Gaming)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, August 12, 2014, 12:24 (3552 days ago) @ Jillybean

Beautiful - but the old 'dust on the camera' during the lens flare moments gets old very quickly.

I can't remember which CGI film it was, but I remember a cinematographer getting very irate at the programmers putting lens flare IN to the scene, when he'd spent his entire life taking it OUT

Isn't that the irony? Here you have a CGI film, which is free from the effects of light bouncing in the various lens elements to create a flare. It is free from film grain or noise. Things that remind you that you are seeing something captured. Yet, we add these things back in.

Maybe on some level we enjoy knowing it's fake.

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