
Find your weapons & armor - Companion's Little Helper. *IMG* (Destiny)

by SteelGaribaldi @, Sol system, Tuesday, August 12, 2014, 22:51 (3884 days ago)

Toward the end of the Beta, one part of Destiny became cumbersome and annoying for me: finding the right weapon. It was on my Warlock, or on my Hunter, or on my Titan, or in the vault. I would try to find a weapon with the right Damage Type, Level, Attack, or Upgrade perks - I had the Companion open on my phone, B-net open on my computer, and the character screen open in Destiny. I'd try to remember which armor had the upgrade that increases reload speed on auto rifles, and then I would squint at the little bars for Impact and Rate of Fire on those 3 screens trying to find the right auto rifle. ... I grew frustrated. I wanted more data in front of me, in an easy to compare format.

When the Beta was over (and I couldn't play Destiny anymore), I built a spreadsheet. (I'm an engineer, it's what we do. (We also abuse parentheses.))

The Companion's Little Helper has the stats for my weapons and armor across all 3 characters and the vault. I built it in Numbers so that I could fiddle with it on my iPad during my lunch break. (Versions for Google Docs and Excel in OneDrive.) Make a copy for your personal use.

I'll give an example of how I expect to use this, then describe / show the parts of the spreadsheet.

Companion's Little Helper in action

It's September 15, I'm at work, I get a message from a buddy. He tells me we're going to attempt a raid tonight, and he thinks we can finish it this time. I know that I need Arc damage for the Fallen shields and Solar damage for the Hive shields, and I know I've got armor that reduces grenade cooldown. But where are those weapons? And have I earned that armor upgrade?

I grab my iPad and spend part of my lunch break looking in the Little Helper for weapons and armor I can use in this raid. I've been spending time on my Warlock lately, so I think he'll be the best character to take into this raid. I look at Warlock armor first.

  • I find a Warlock helmet (Chroma Vow) with an earned upgrade that reduces melee cool down times when doing grenade damage. It's in my Warlock's gear.
  • I find Warlock gauntlets (Chroma Vow I) with an earned upgrade that increases the reload speed of Auto Rifles. They're in my Warlock's gear.
  • I find a Warlock chest (Chroma Vow) with an earned upgrade that increases the ammo carried for Auto Rifles. It's in my Warlock's gear.
  • I look at my Auto Rifles and find the Cydonia-AR3. It has high attack and an earned upgrade "Zoomed fire is slower & more powerful." It's in my Warlock's gear.
  • I find a Nox Revus III Fusion Rifle that does Arc damage. It's in my Hunter's gear.
  • I find a Jester SA/3 Rocket Launcher with an unearned upgrade that reduces grenade cool down times. Maybe I can earn that upgrade tonight. It's in my Warlock's gear.
  • I find a Gozen-C sniper rifle that does Arc damage. It's in my Warlock's gear.
  • I find a Sargon-C machine gun that does Void damage. I don't think we need Void damage, but it won't hurt to have it on my character. It's in my Hunter's gear.

Looks like my Warlock armor is pretty good, so I decide to play my Warlock in this raid.

  • I'm still on my break at work, so I open the Companion on my phone, and look at those 2 weapons which aren't already in my Warlock's gear.
  • The Sargon-C machine gun is equipped on my Hunter, so I use the Companion to equip a different machine gun. That will allow me to take my Hunter straight to the vault in the Tower, and dump the Sargon-C into the Vault without having to de-equip anything in game.
  • The Nox Revus III on my Hunter isn't equipped, so I can dump that in the vault immediately.
  • I've also confirmed that the Little Helper was up to date, and there were no awesome weapons missing from the Little Helper.
  • I update the Location of those weapons in the spreadsheet while at work. (I know that I won't update the Little Helper when I get home and move things in game. I'm lazy and forgetful - if I do it now, I won't forget later.)
  • I finish lunch and go back to work.
  • When I get home, I start Destiny and log into my Hunter first. I put Sargon-C and Nox Revus III in the Vault.
  • I change to my Warlock and get those weapons out of the Vault.
  • I meet up with my friends. We complete the raid. There is much dancing.


Each class of weapon (Primary, Special, Heavy) has a tab of stats and info, letting me easily compare weapons. The yellow triangles on the column headers are comments on each cell, tool tips with more info about the column.


Primary (big version):


  • ?: The location of the weapon: is it in the vault or on a Guardian? Which Guardian?
  • Type: Which kind of weapon?
    • Primary: Auto Rifle, Scout Rifle, Pulse Rifle, Hand Cannon
    • Special: Sniper, Shotgun, Fusion Rifle
    • Heavy: Machine Gun, Rocket Launcher
  • L: The Level Required to use this weapon. Can I use this soon? If I can't use it, the cell is red. (I update my current level in the top cell on the Primary tab.)
  • A: Attack. Will this damage high ranking enemies? See [Datto's Attack vs. Impact video](http://youtu.be/nJQxNrXpzfI?list=UUkmAjbIecTIjTQctolYeuDw "Destiny Beta: Attack vs. Impact - Weapon Damage Explained"), he explains Attack and Impact well.
  • Tier: How cool is it? The cells change color to match the tier. (Basic is White, Common is Green, Rare is Blue, Legendary is Purple, Exotic is Orange)
  • Type: The Damage types, Kinetic, Arc, Solar, and Void. The cells change color to match the Damage Type. (Kinetic is White, Arc is Blue, Solar is Yellow, and Void is Purple)
  • DpS: Measure of damage done over time; Rate * Impact. (Damage per Second, but I don't know how much damage in each second. I do know that Bigger Is Better.)
  • Stats: Rate of Fire, Impact, Range, Stability, Reload, and Magazine. (These exact numbers are in the web code for the stats card.)
  • Ammo: How much ammo that weapon can carry, as seen in the lower left corner when the weapon isn't active.
  • Upgrades: What other perks do I get? (Lots of columns: 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3, 4, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 6, 7. These 7 basic weapon upgrade slots are based (mostly) upon the image of the Bad JuJu Pulse Rifle that INSANEdrive posted.)


Each Guardian (Warlock, Hunter, Titan) has a tab of stats and info. The categories for the top 4 pieces of armor are added together, letting you see the totals for that combination of armor. This combination of Warlock armor provides 146 Defense and 62 Discipline.


Warlock (big version):

  • ?: The location of the Armor: is it in the vault or on the guardian?
  • Type: Helmet, Gauntlets, Chest, Leg
  • L: The Level Required to use this weapon. Can I use this soon? If I can't use it, the cell is red.
  • D: Defense, the measure of protection.
  • Tier: How cool is it? The cells change color to match the tier. (Basic is White, Common is Green, Rare is Blue, Legendary is Purple, Exotic is Orange)
  • Light - Increases Level beyond 20, increasing damage to higher-level enemies.
  • Intellect - Reduces cooldown on Super. (Increases the speed Super will recharge when not killing things.)
  • Discipline - Reduces cooldown on grenades.
  • Strength - Reduces cooldown of special melee. (Storm Fist, Energy Drain, Throwing Knife, etc. Standard melee is always available.)
  • Upgrades: What other perks do I get? (Lots of columns: 1.1, 1.2, 2, 3, 4, 5.1, 5.2, 6, 7.1, 7.2. These 7 basic armor upgrade slots are based (mostly) upon the image of the Insurmountable SkullFort that INSANEdrive posted.)

Guardians of the ... Solar System

That's what I've been doing with my free time since July 27 at 6pm. I can't play Destiny now, but I can get ready for the gear meta-game.

Meta-game? In the Beta, my guardian had 10 slots for each weapon and armor type, and the Vault had 20 slots for weapons and 20 slots for armor. That's 50 weapons slots and 60 armor slots available with your first guardian.

I might be able to keep track of 10-15 Primary Weapons. Maybe.

But, when you have all 3 guardians going, that will be 110 weapon slots and 140 armor slots. That's 30-40 Primary Weapons spread across 4 locations. That's too much to juggle between my head and the Companion, so I'm upgrading my gear game with a spreadsheet.

When I'm level 15 or 20, and half my gear isn't changing every other level, I'll be using this to give myself an edge in Strikes and Raids.


Thanks to Datto for his video on the Armor attributes, and his video on Weapon Damage Types (Solar, Arc, Void).

This labeled image of Bad Juju should explain the numbering of the upgrade columns. [image]


Find your weapons & armor - Companion's Little Helper. *IMG*

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Tuesday, August 12, 2014, 23:35 (3884 days ago) @ SteelGaribaldi

Very interesting. To clarify, the numbers for things like Impact, RoF, etc come from the detailed weapon view on Bungie.net?

I'm wondering now though if some of the weapon stats and levels aren't a bit randomized. For instance, you have a Magnum Mk. 32 with an Attack value of 64 listed as level 9, but my Hunter has (had...) a Magnum Mk. 32 with an attack value of 62 equipped as her primary weapon for most of the beta.


Find your weapons & armor - Companion's Little Helper. *IMG*

by SteelGaribaldi @, Sol system, Wednesday, August 13, 2014, 05:59 (3883 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Very interesting. To clarify, the numbers for things like Impact, RoF, etc come from the detailed weapon view on Bungie.net?

Yes. If you right-click and Inspect Element on the Gozen-C my Warlock has, and search for "Gozen", you should see <div class="itemName" data-bind="text: DEFS.items[$data.itemHash()].itemName">Gozen-C</div> or similar. If you ALT-click on the disclosure triangle on the next line (<div class="itemBody">), it should open the entire Gozen-C code block. Search for style="width: 41%;" - that's the width of the Impact bar, it says Impact 2 lines above.

I'm wondering now though if some of the weapon stats and levels aren't a bit randomized. For instance, you have a Magnum Mk. 32 with an Attack value of 64 listed as level 9, but my Hunter has (had...) a Magnum Mk. 32 with an attack value of 62 equipped as her primary weapon for most of the beta.

Ahh, sorry about that. I found some weapons with levels above 8, but I wasn't sure what they were, so I declared them to have a level. I should have noted that those levels were "above 8", and that I didn't know the exact number.


Find your weapons & armor - Companion's Little Helper. *IMG*

by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Wednesday, August 13, 2014, 13:56 (3883 days ago) @ SteelGaribaldi

Yes. If you right-click and Inspect Element on the Gozen-C my Warlock has, and search for "Gozen", you should see <div class="itemName" data-bind="text: DEFS.items[$data.itemHash()].itemName">Gozen-C</div> or similar. If you ALT-click on the disclosure triangle on the next line (<div class="itemBody">), it should open the entire Gozen-C code block. Search for style="width: 41%;" - that's the width of the Impact bar, it says Impact 2 lines above.

I can't believe I haven't thought of that. Pure genius, mate. Keep on rocking!

It opens up so many possibilities for automation. Is it possible to program bots to scavenge that piece of webcode?


Find your weapons & armor - Companion's Little Helper. *IMG*

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Wednesday, August 13, 2014, 14:00 (3883 days ago) @ ZackDark

Yes. If you right-click and Inspect Element on the Gozen-C my Warlock has, and search for "Gozen", you should see <div class="itemName" data-bind="text: DEFS.items[$data.itemHash()].itemName">Gozen-C</div> or similar. If you ALT-click on the disclosure triangle on the next line (<div class="itemBody">), it should open the entire Gozen-C code block. Search for style="width: 41%;" - that's the width of the Impact bar, it says Impact 2 lines above.

I can't believe I haven't thought of that. Pure genius, mate. Keep on rocking!

It opens up so many possibilities for automation. Is it possible to program bots to scavenge that piece of webcode?

...And make it part of DBO.


Well, duh

by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Wednesday, August 13, 2014, 14:22 (3883 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

If a bot can read that, I'm pretty sure a bot could write to a Google Docs that could be shared with you guys.

Great work, but…

by kapowaz, Wednesday, August 13, 2014, 02:24 (3884 days ago) @ SteelGaribaldi

…this is exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about when I say the Destiny UI isn't as good as it could be. The very need to use a complex tool like this outside of the game is an indictment of the game's UI having failed to do its job properly.

So, to use the oft-repeated refrain: please, give us load outs!

Find your weapons & armor - Companion's Little Helper

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Wednesday, August 13, 2014, 03:08 (3883 days ago) @ SteelGaribaldi
edited by someotherguy, Wednesday, August 13, 2014, 03:33

As a fellow spreadsheeter, just thinking about this made me smile. I have a few questions though:

- Where did you get the numbers for Impact, RoF etc.? I've been hoping they'll turn up in the main game, but maybe they were already available somewhere and I just missed them?

- How would you update this during play? Surely not as you go? Like you said, its easy to forget to update in the heat of battle, and it could be cumbersome switching back and forth between console and computer. At the end of the session maybe?

- im not sure I understand the need for the Armour list. Surely your Warlock gear will always be in your Warlock's inventory or the Vault?

Regardless, Im totally using this. Thanks for putting the time/effort in :)


Find your weapons & armor - Companion's Little Helper

by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Wednesday, August 13, 2014, 04:02 (3883 days ago) @ someotherguy

As a fellow spreadsheeter, just thinking about this made me smile.

Me too. As an EvE player, I've spent quite a lot of time programming spreadsheets to help me, so this is pretty exciting.

I have a few questions though:

- Where did you get the numbers for Impact, RoF etc.? I've been hoping they'll turn up in the main game, but maybe they were already available somewhere and I just missed them?


- How would you update this during play? Surely not as you go? Like you said, its easy to forget to update in the heat of battle, and it could be cumbersome switching back and forth between console and computer. At the end of the session maybe?

I'm not entirely annoyed by this prospect, but I agree it might get cumbersome with longer runs.

- im not sure I understand the need for the Armour list. Surely your Warlock gear will always be in your Warlock's inventory or the Vault?

Because you might not have a single Warlock. I mean, if you're smart, you'll have as many Warlocks as the game lets you. ;p

Find your weapons & armor - Companion's Little Helper

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Thursday, August 14, 2014, 03:26 (3882 days ago) @ ZackDark

Because you might not have a single Warlock. I mean, if you're smart, you'll have as many Warlocks as the game lets you. ;p

Ha, good answer, I hadn't even thought of that. Sadly I got a little burnt out playing my Warlock. Thiking I'll roll a Titan for my main in the full release.


Find your weapons & armor - Companion's Little Helper

by SteelGaribaldi @, Sol system, Wednesday, August 13, 2014, 06:04 (3883 days ago) @ someotherguy

- Where did you get the numbers for Impact, RoF etc.? I've been hoping they'll turn up in the main game, but maybe they were already available somewhere and I just missed them?

See my response to Ragashingo above - the numbers are in the web code at bungie.net.

- How would you update this during play? Surely not as you go? Like you said, its easy to forget to update in the heat of battle, and it could be cumbersome switching back and forth between console and computer. At the end of the session maybe?

I'll do it at the end of the night. I personally can't put down an FPS controller and be sleeping 10 minutes later, I need cooldown time. So I'll use that to go through any gear I got that day. ... And I think this will only be useful at higher levels, when gear doesn't change too often, which will also reduce the work needed on any given night.

- im not sure I understand the need for the Armour list. Surely your Warlock gear will always be in your Warlock's inventory or the Vault?

True. But once I got started making this thing, I kept going. Experience in September will decide if I keep using the armor parts.

Regardless, Im totally using this. Thanks for putting the time/effort in :)

You're welcome.


Find your weapons & armor - Companion's Little Helper

by JDQuackers ⌂ @, McMurray, PA, Wednesday, August 13, 2014, 06:08 (3883 days ago) @ someotherguy

- Where did you get the numbers for Impact, RoF etc.? I've been hoping they'll turn up in the main game, but maybe they were already available somewhere and I just missed them?

He mentioned in the OP that the values are in the web code for the stats cards on B.net. I went to inspect this (because I hadn't heard this before) ...

<span class="value" data-bind="style: { width: (value / maximumValue * 100) + '%' }" style="width: 21%;">

This was really the only "value" that I could find, which is the width of the white bar. So based on a system of percentages, this data could be grepped from the web I guess.

It's ugly, but it works...

Percentages work for me

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Thursday, August 14, 2014, 03:32 (3882 days ago) @ JDQuackers

Shame there's not an easier way to access them.


Find your weapons & armor - Companion's Little Helper

by SteelGaribaldi @, Sol system, Friday, August 15, 2014, 21:43 (3881 days ago) @ someotherguy

I'm not sure I understand the need for the Armour list. Surely your Warlock gear will always be in your Warlock's inventory or the Vault?

Completing a Build for PVP or PVE.

I expect to have some Legendary armor in the Vault when I hit Level 20. If I've messed around with armor combinations in the Little Helper, I might notice that I'm one piece of armor away from a perfect PVP build. If FWC has that piece of armor, I'll chose to earn FWC Rank first, then buy it from them.

FYI, I believe that you earn faction rank by turning in bounties while wearing a class item for that faction. FWC Warlock Bond, for example.

I confess that I hadn't thought through any of this when I was building that spreadsheet. I just knew that I wanted armor data in a better format. Better lucky than good. :)

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