What to Expect from Destiny's DLC Strategy (Destiny)
Totalxbox.com (The website for the Official Xbox Magazine) has an article discussing the DLC strategy Bungie is using for Destiny, described by Jonty Barnes. Go give it a read.
What to Expect from Destiny's DLC Strategy
Short version: DLC does not give a power advantage, but it does provide a larger breadth of gear that the non-DLC crew can see.
Bungie can make updates for balance and changes with minimal disruption due to a better back end.
Hard to reach places
If we need the DLC to go into Seraphim Vault, an area which is modeled and was even in the beta, I will be quite sad.
Hard to reach places
If we need the DLC to go into Seraphim Vault, an area which is modeled and was even in the beta, I will be quite sad.
One visit to Google later, thanks for mentioning that--was not aware someone had made it inside that curious door.
I don't think you'll be sad--it'd be odd for Bungie to have the 2nd DLC already on disc.
What to Expect from Destiny's DLC Strategy
Wonder how accurate the 'not more powerful items' part will be. Separate but equal is a tough thing to do.