
Different characters for each class? (Destiny)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Wednesday, August 20, 2014, 16:26 (3846 days ago) @ bluerunner

I was just thinking about a problem I had during the beta, and a solution I might try. I had a little more time due to early access, and during that time I got attached to the first character I created, which was a human hunter.

After playing for a few days, I created an exo titan and awoken warlock to try out. As I played as those characters, I couldn't shake the feeling that these weren't "me". Even though I liked aspects of the other classes, it felt like I was trapped in a stranger's body. Did anyone else have this feeling?

I want to play primarily as a hunter because I like the aspects of that class the best, but I also want to create a titan to mix things up and use if needed for specific roles in raids. I was thinking about my "stranger" dilemma in the beta, then an idea hit me: why not make that titan the same character? By that I mean why not make my titan look exactly like my hunter. The in-story logic would be that my guy heads back to the Tower and suits up in titan armor for certain missions. That way I always feel like I'm playing as the same character no matter what class I am.

Anyway, maybe that's weird, but I was wondering if anyone else thinking of doing this.

Meet my Guardian family. The father is a warlock Awoken. White hair, closely cropped. His history goes back long before the Golden Age, but it's revealed to him only in dreams, which recur, vividly. His wife is a human hunter, also with white hair, cut in an angled bob, and her beauty attracts stares in the tower. She is better with a knife than a gun, and prefers the visceral victory that close combat provides. Their daughter titan exo is adopted, but loved as if she were their own blood. Her warpaint is mere window-dressing at this point--she is relatively inexperienced in battle, but she is fearless as only the young can be. She feels she has nothing to lose. Her parents know better.

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