
Speculation Sunday... missing emblem or extra class? (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Sunday, August 24, 2014, 10:56 (3842 days ago) @ roland

Well, I see two ways of looking at it.

1. There is a mystery fourth class. Ok, then what is it? Looking at engagement ranges doesn't help us so much since both the Arc Titan and Arc Hunter are powerful as close range. I'd propose we would want to look at archetypes then. We have the Warrior, Wizard, and Rogue. What else is there? Healer? That might work. Necromancer? Brings enemies back from the dead to fight on your side? That'd be very interesting. Or maybe a technological variant where a Guardian uses his Ghost to build disposable attack drones?

Heh. If anything this is getting me excited for what Destiny can become in the future. With its tech and mythic background you can justify almost any class one way or another! :)

2. The three person fireteam seems to have been pretty set even back when Destiny itself was a leaked rumor. Remember the old old leaked concept art with three Guardians always? I don't doubt we'll see more subclasses eventually, but three classes feels right and in some ways, terribly contradicting myself from point one a bit, it kinda feels like we have most of the roles covered. Titans have great close range support or great defense and buffing. Hunters get terrific mid range power or fast close range strikes + stealth, Warlocks get good mid ranged area of affect devastation or a big buff to any range they want with Radiance + the weapons of their choice.

Still very interesting picture. Maybe I should have asked this at the beginning, but is that logo official? Where did it come from?

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