
Looking Back *IMGs* (Destiny)

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Tuesday, August 26, 2014, 19:11 (3840 days ago) @ Ragashingo

So yeah, good times. In some ways I'm amazed at how long ago the opening of DBO feels and yet how short it seems... at the same time. So, those are my thoughts looking back but I'd love to hear youes guyses favorite moments. Anything I missed? Anything that stood out to you that didn't stand out to me? Speak up and be heard! Relive the past! Smile!

For me it was the stuff you listed, maybe not so much for some of it, plus Sekhmet's puzzles. I know there was more, but I can't think of it and I could spend hours going over back posts (and have, but mostly only ever to catch up). The puzzles and the things to figure out always seemed to happen while I was in the middle of a semester of college, so I would've liked to have participated in those more than I was able to.
I liked the weapons people came up with, before, during, and after that one thread.
I was able to get into the grid puzzle more than the rest because it was near the end of a semester, and I wasn't as behind as I thought, it took a good while... and I still can hardly believe it turned out the way it did. I was so sure the numeric color values were going to come into play (or come into play more, I don't remember exactly how it worked in the end), and if someone had told me the message was spelled out in the blocks themselves without proof I would've probably looked at them like they had the intelligence of a five-year-old.
Since you brought it up, my favorite thing I did for the challenge threads was probably this post/picture, and I'm also partial to this.
Also, ManKitten, were you referring to GTO here?

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