
Ghost Edition for Xbone (Destiny)
Well, PAX was fun and grueling at the same time for an old man like myself. The effects of my sleep deprivation reached its peak during my drive home from the airport Wednesday morning, which was torturous. As I pulled into my driveway my buddy from the local Gamestop called me. They were able to acquire a Ghost Edition of Destiny for me to pick up at midnight Monday. Yay!
I've ordered one from their website already, and my buddy actually suggested that I make a mint by selling it on ebay, but ... there's the community to think about, and I'm thinking about you, friends.
If you didn't order one in time, and still want one, respond to me privately. There's a few things to consider:
--I'll charge only what it costs me plus shipping.
--I'll pick someone I recognize from the community (who I trust and who trusts me--I'll need a paypal transfer upfront.)
--You may get it a week after launch. (I may not get it until next Friday. I might be able to change the shipping address before it goes out, but I want to be careful and not mess up the order.)