So, the DBO clan is no more, correct? (Destiny)

by DeeJ ⌂, Bungie, Saturday, September 06, 2014, 12:30 (3825 days ago) @ Xenos

A clan is a group of people on that play together a lot or that can help organize events or times to play together. Clans have a hard limit of how many members they can have (though I don't know the exact number), so they have alliances that can connect multiple clans together.

Well put. We want clans to feel like intimate fighting units. The hope is that everyone in a clan knows all of the other members. At the same time, we know that large groups with a long heritage on will want to unify their membership across many official clans. That's where an Alliance comes into play.

To answer the other questions being asked in this thread, the Clan system was also being tested during the Beta. Like your venerable test-subject Guardians, your Beta Clans were temporary. They reverted back to Groups when we severed their ties to the old build. As Destiny launches and you complete your first mission, your Clan Founder (whoever this 'Duncan' is) will need to reactivate Clan services on preferred platforms. Then, users can 'Set as Clan.'

Think of it as a census to see who survived the migration from Beta to Launch.

Unite the Clans!


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