
Hey Ragashingo! (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Monday, September 08, 2014, 11:53 (3857 days ago) @ INSANEdrive
edited by Ragashingo, Monday, September 08, 2014, 12:01

The Golden Age:

Most of the information here is pretty much solid. The one bit I guess I wish I had picked up on in hindsight was that the Traveler breathed new life into our system. This, when combined with the Signal Received graphic that talks about Mercury and Venus having ruins or having something living there in the past, points to what we recently learned about the Ishtar Collective and their investigation of pre-humanity structures on Venus.

The Fall:

I questioned why our enemies weren’t poking around our Golden age ruins on other planets. The Cabal certainly are. We know this from the recent Playstation video about the Mars Strike.

The Fallen:

Not really an new information about them so far. I have to say my theory about the Fallen being from a prison colony was wonderfully rampant though. Almost certainly incorrect, but wonderfully rampant. :)

The City:

The city breathing down the neck of that Awoken Guy means more to me now than it did then. Why? Well he seems somewhat important since he was speaking for the Queen of the Reef at the end of the gameplay experience trailer. The relationship between The City and The Reef will probably prove very interesting.

Perhaps I should have linked New Monarchy more to a political party of some type given their name.

The Gameplay:

I’m very glad I was correct about Destiny’s gameplay. It is Halo+ and not sticky cover or “move, shooting gallery, move” :)

It’s funny how much my opinion has changed about weapon and class perks. Back when Halo 4 came out I was unhappy with slight tweaks to grenade damage, but now with Destiny I’m fully prepared to deal with an enemy who might gain a superpowered pistol or teleport not to mention guns that do anything from cause explosions to cloak you when you zoom in.

The Rest:

The articles and the Hive, Vex, and Cabal are almost entire up to date. The one thing that interest me now that I never got a chance to talk about is: What’s up with everybody’s interest in underground things?

The Hive burrowed into our moon and send huge mace style drop ships that seem to grow Thrall underground. The Vex have their strange structures forming above ground, yes, but we’ve seen some evidence now (from the planet view site) that they’re doing a good bit of below ground stuff too. The Fallen drop on by Earth to set up miniature mining operations and like to lurk in our underground bunkers in Old Russia. Is everyone looking for these pre-Golden Age ruins? Did The Traveler do something awesome to the cores of the planets we know and love?

All in all, even after a good read through I’m happy with the series. Yeah, it flails about asking questions, but that was the point. I wanted to explore all angles and try and get the rest of the community thinking. Except for one or two instances I think I did pretty good picking up on the hints Bungie dropped, so that makes me happy as well. :)

Now I need to figure out what I want to do next. I’d really like to head up work on a Story Page, but it needs to be something that is more valuable and accessible than a Destiny wiki and more archival and showcasing of the community’s speculations and revelations than the Front Page… Basically, it’ll require some thought…

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