Impact (Destiny)

by General Battuta, Wednesday, September 10, 2014, 13:23 (3523 days ago) @ rliebherr

To clarify, in Iron Banner, Impact and Attack matter. However, in regular Crucible Matches only Impact matters?

Put another way, the weapon still matters in regular Crucible matches (an SR with high impact will deal more damage that an SR with low impact), but the damage won't change based on the multiplier determined by the attack and defense of the two involved because level bonuses are disabled. In Iron Banner, the damage is changed based on the multiplier determined by the attack and defense of the two involved because level bonuses are enabled.

Is that correct? There's really no easy way to ask this question. It's fairly technical. Basically, I want to know if all weapon types are set to some "base weapon" to equalize regular Cricible Matches or if the weapons stats as found in PVE transfer to PVP sans level bonuses of the attacker and defender.

Your summary is correct. Weapon stats as found in PVE transfer to PVP - there is no weird morphing of all auto rifles into one bland ur-rifle.

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