
Tips to make your life easier (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Wednesday, September 10, 2014, 15:17 (3523 days ago)
edited by Cody Miller, Wednesday, September 10, 2014, 15:20

1. Bounties are a super good way to level your weapons. Any equipped gear will progress when you turn in bounties, so make sure you are wearing what you want to advance.

2. Have 3 fusion rifles at all times, one of each element, preferably with a high range stat. These shred enemy shields. I see tons of people shooting shielded enemies with their primary. Just use the appropriate fusion rifle to drop shields (often in one shot), then hammer away with your primary. Think of them like Elites in Halo, and let the Fusion Rifle act as your Plasma Pistol. You'd be surprised how far away this will work from with a high range stat while scoped.

2.5 A solar sniper is handy for the Hive Wizards. Fallen captains and shielded Cabal you can typically get close enough to to use a fusion rifle.

3. I find stability to be the most useful stat on a weapon, but your milage may vary. I just find being able to get another headshot quickly more useful in the long run than more damage or faster reloads. Most weapons will have scopes that add stability at a penalty to other things.

4. Don't skip picking up engrams; you can use them for parts even if you don't want it.

5. Stack intellect and discipline. Forget about strength.

6. Do not use ammo packs while you are dead! They don't work, but you still lose the pack.

7. To go from Heavy to special in one go, double tap triangle.

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