
[Video] XBox One vs XBox 360 Graphical Comparison (Destiny)

by hunt3r, Wednesday, September 10, 2014, 15:36 (3524 days ago) @ Trunks

it looks like one side of the screen has been coated in vaseline

I didn't really notice - both sides looked almost identical to me except for a little more sharpness from the xbone. The xbone side had more detailed shadows, but all the textures looked very similar. It looks like the xbone version has more blowy plants (like, they respond to wind more realistically), which seems to add a lot of realism.

Do the two versions run at different frame rates? sometimes the frames get a bit choppy on my 360, I don't know if you'd see that on the xbone or not, and I don't think it would come out on youtube either.

also the 360 version has a lot of aliasing that I can see on my TV but I didn't notice in the video to the same extent. Not sure if the xbone has that as well.

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