
How to beat this week's strike (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Wednesday, September 10, 2014, 21:49 (3523 days ago)
edited by Cody Miller, Wednesday, September 10, 2014, 22:06

I failed pretty hard the first time I tried this. I was level 22, and my partners were each level 20. I wouldn't even try it at level 22. Be more like 23/24.

Things to note:

1. You do not revive automatically, a team mate MUST revive you.
2. Arc damage is more powerful ( you can take maybe 4-5 hits from a fallen before dying).

Things you need:

1. Ammo Packs for heavy / secondary
2. Arc damage HMGs, Snipers, and fusion rifles.

If you are a titan, switching to defender is helpful since you can place a ward of dawn with blessing light around an ally's ghost to stay safe while reviving them.

If you are a hunter, choose blade dancer only if you have hungering blade and vanish. Otherwise you will die when using your super.

The toughest room is the room with the lasers. If you stay back into the cave area and take out any fallen snipers first, then the captains, it's much easier. Ideally you'll have an arc sniper or a scout rifle. You should always let the Hive and Fallen duke it out to thin them out. The Devil Walker and Sepkis Prime are about the same, but you just need to pay much more attention to the regular enemy spawns. Definitely take out the little gun on top of the devil walker. Maybe have someone dedicated to that. Arc damage HMGs work great on those bosses.

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