All Skulls On (Destiny)
The skulls are:
- Juggler - no ammo will drop for your equipped weapon
- Anger Issues - enemies are more aggressive
- Angry - enemies will not flinch
- Arc Burn - increased Arc damage
- Solar Burn - increased Solar damage
- Void Burn - increased Void damage
- Lightswitch - enemies have increased melee damage
- Nightfall - If all players die, you go back to orbit
- Heroic - more, more powerful enemies that are more aggressive
- Mythic - same as heroic, but an additional enemy from each faction gains a shield
- Fallen - Shanks gain a Solar shield. (nb. Captains have Arc shield)
- Hive - Knights gain an Arc shield. (nb. Wizards have Solar shield)
- Vex - Harpies gain an Arc Shield (nb. Minotaurs have Void shield)
- Cabal - Psions gain Void Shield (nb. Centurions have Solar shield)
- Fallen - Shanks gain a Solar shield. (nb. Captains have Arc shield)
You can't die and have less easily acquirable ammo, to enemies that are more numerous, more powerful, more aggressive and more shielded than before.
But your elemental weapons do more damage too. So you got that going for you, which is nice.