
Holy crap, GameSpot gave it a 6/10. (Destiny)

by car15, Friday, September 12, 2014, 19:48 (3735 days ago)

You know the situation is bad when GameSpot pans your game.

Oh my God... I expect Bungie to go into critical damage control mode soon.


Oops, forgot the link...

by car15, Friday, September 12, 2014, 19:48 (3735 days ago) @ car15

FYI posts are editable for 60 mins :)

by Decom @, Saturday, September 13, 2014, 05:45 (3734 days ago) @ car15

- No text -

Probably the best review I've read

by Avateur @, Friday, September 12, 2014, 23:41 (3735 days ago) @ car15

Because it's spot on. And that's really, really sad. To be frank, Destiny's story is utterly pathetic. I just beat the game, and yeah. Wow. I get that there's a lot more to come, but this staggered release bullshit will bury them. Whether it's a short story or a novel, you need to capture the reader in the first sentence, the first paragraph, the first chapter. There's nothing captivating here beyond the folks out in the Reef, and they're basically just there for now. And no, the Grimoire doesn't count. It's not included in the game itself, and that's only harming the game and was already an unbelievably short-sighted idea to keep it exclusively on B.net or the app.

I look forward to seeing what's to come with that, and it's a damn good thing I'm a Bungie fan and intend on seeing where this thing goes, but as a whole I have a feeling this is going to go the Halo 4 route and there will be a massive population drop-off. And unlike the already established and highly successful Halo franchise that will ride off of Bungie's old games into revitalization after H4, Destiny is brand new and this may have been the one and only impression Bungie will get to make with many, many people outside of this here Bungie community. What a damn pity.


Probably the best review I've read

by tadboz, Fort Collins, CO, Saturday, September 13, 2014, 00:25 (3735 days ago) @ Avateur

It just begs the question: how did this come to be?

Someone somewhere at Bungie must have voiced the concerns we all have. Right? Unless the studio's turned into some kind of vast echo chamber, which seems unlikely with 500 or so people there. It's just incongruent with their previous projects. Maybe they tried to change too much.


Probably the best review I've read

by car15, Saturday, September 13, 2014, 00:27 (3735 days ago) @ tadboz

Maybe this is why so many former employees left the company.

Joe Staten, Marcus Lehto, Jaime Griesemer, Brian Jarrard, Shishka...

Probably the best review I've read

by Avateur @, Saturday, September 13, 2014, 01:05 (3735 days ago) @ car15

Or maybe you're flat out wrong. But hey.


Probably the best review I've read

by car15, Saturday, September 13, 2014, 02:08 (3734 days ago) @ Avateur

Cool, thanks for the input.

Probably the best review I've read

by Fuertisimo, Saturday, September 13, 2014, 06:45 (3734 days ago) @ Avateur

Or maybe he's right! Who knows! That's the wonder of speculation!

Probably the best review I've read

by Avateur @, Saturday, September 13, 2014, 11:07 (3734 days ago) @ Fuertisimo

I'm implying that I know as a fact that in at least most of those cases he's dead wrong. But sure, speculate away. lol

Probably the best review I've read

by Fuertisimo, Saturday, September 13, 2014, 13:14 (3734 days ago) @ Avateur

Ah, an insider! Please enlighten us so there's no need for further speculation!

Remember Reach...

by scarab @, Saturday, September 13, 2014, 00:41 (3735 days ago) @ tadboz

that had grinding.

Want that piece of armor? Work for it!

The seeds of this started in reach (or was it the Recon helmet?).

But as to your question... I don't really have an answer but it was something that I've been asking myself.

I remember dmiller posting that his job was no longer level/encounter designer. His job title was world builder. I think the idea was that Bungie would build it and we would fill it with our creative community genius. Or that could just be a product of my poor memory.


Probably the best review I've read

by SIX min WHISTLE @, Michigan, Saturday, September 13, 2014, 01:02 (3735 days ago) @ tadboz

Staten left awhile ago now. I have no idea, but get the impression he would have been the one to push for them being in game like the Terminals/Datapads.

My only other thought is maybe they thought it'd be too much reading potentially breaking up the action because of the high number of entries compared to the 1 or 2 per level from Halo, along with the fact that you can't really pause. But there is no excuse for them to not be a menu option. I just don't get the thought process leading to keeping them entirely separate.


Probably the best review I've read

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Saturday, September 13, 2014, 01:11 (3735 days ago) @ tadboz

It just begs the question: how did this come to be?

Like the answer to everything, I suspect it's the investment system.

Much of it revolves around offering daily heroic story missions. You'd run out fast if you did 10 big levels like Halo did, so that's why there's ~30 story missions that are short, and more or less self contained. This way it's easier to offer daily activities.

Probably the best review I've read

by Kal, Saturday, September 13, 2014, 05:12 (3734 days ago) @ tadboz

It just begs the question: how did this come to be?

Someone somewhere at Bungie must have voiced the concerns we all have. Right? Unless the studio's turned into some kind of vast echo chamber, which seems unlikely with 500 or so people there. It's just incongruent with their previous projects. Maybe they tried to change too much.

One thought: Maybe this is because Bungie went solo, in a manner of speaking. With Microsoft, they had someone to reign them in, to keep them focused, to say "This game is coming out on November 15th come hell or high water, so you need to narrow your vision and make the parts your can get done in time really freakin' good."

Halo 1 and Halo 2's campaigns and multiplayers came out of a Microsoft-imposed time crunch. Without that guidance, those games would have been very different -- and likely worse. Halo 1 would have been a game of open-world exploration instead of a quick, streamlined campaign. Halo 2 would have been a 64 person battle royale instead of a perfect arena shooter.

George Lucus and Paul McCartney are both creative geniuses know for being the absolute best at what they do. But they did their best work when they weren't given total artistic freedom, when someone could tell them "no."

Halo 1, 2, and 3 were Bungie's Star Wars OT. Destiny is what happens when Bungie decided to be the Director and Writer themselves.

How many times during the filming of The Phantom Menace do you think someone said "You can't give him notes! That's George Lucus, the God of Star Wars!"


Probably the best review I've read

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Saturday, September 13, 2014, 10:52 (3734 days ago) @ Kal

Halo 1, 2, and 3 were Bungie's Star Wars OT. Destiny is what happens when Bungie decided to be the Director and Writer themselves.

But what about Marathon and Myth? Two fantastic games that were self developed and published. What you say could is possible, but all that would mean is that the real creative talent left Bungie - an assertion that very well may be true given all the departures.

The more I see and hear about modern AAA development throughout the industry, the less it seems to be enjoyable and fostering of creativity. Maybe that's a piece for another day.

Probably the best review I've read

by Fuertisimo, Saturday, September 13, 2014, 10:54 (3734 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Or possibly just watered down. There's a big difference between 25 people developing a game and 500 people developing a game. One can only assume that all the hires aren't as talented as the original, given how many people were hired.


Probably the best review I've read

by Mars ⌂, Portland, OR, Saturday, September 13, 2014, 11:12 (3734 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I don't know if this is an issue with AAA game development and team size though. When I look at Destiny, I see this beautiful universe lovingly crafted by the artists and engineers. Even the UI team made what I'd consider some great breakthroughs in video game UI design. But when you look at Destiny's short comings, it appears that the writing and design teams just didn't fully form all of their ideas. Maybe that's more of a problem of being in a development bubble for so long. We hadn't heard a peep from Bungie since 2011 when they first announced Destiny in 2013.

For as long as I've known Bungie (which isn't quite as long as some of you guys here), they've always appeared to be in their own design and development bubble.

Probably the best review I've read

by shadowkiller, Monday, September 15, 2014, 17:43 (3732 days ago) @ Kal

I kind of feel the same way. Until MS bought them Halo seemed directionless, first it is an rts, then tps, and then fps. How much time did they waste developing a game and then throwing it away. The same with Halo 2, they admit after thier infamous level demo at E3 that they threw out most of the game that they had been developing for the past 2 years.

Now Destiny, where is Chicago, Europe and all the other locations they spoke about but never finished? How much time did they waste developing something then throwing it out? What happened to the statement, you see it you can go there? Where is the creativity?

Holy crap, GameSpot gave it a 6/10.

by spidersVise ⌂, Saturday, September 13, 2014, 01:38 (3735 days ago) @ car15

"Destiny tries to mask its repetitiveness with a vague story that uses more cryptoscientific nonsense than an entire season of Star Trek, and grants your character so meaningless an identity, and so little dialogue, that he or she might as well be a silent protagonist. "Lure out the Vex Gate Lord that protects the Endless Steps and bring its head back to the Awoken," says the mission text, making you ponder phenomena you know next to nothing about. What is the role of the Awoken in this solar system? What is the historical relevance of the Endless Steps? What purpose drives the Vex, and indeed, what do the Awoken hope to learn?

I don't have the answers."

Uh. I do. Did the reviewer not pay attention? It's not even stuff hidden in the Grimoire, it's outright told to you.

I feel like I'm playing a completely different game than what these reviews are describing...


Holy crap, GameSpot gave it a 6/10.

by Funkmon @, Saturday, September 13, 2014, 02:24 (3734 days ago) @ spidersVise

Psst. Could you tell me?

Holy crap, GameSpot gave it a 6/10. *SP-ish*

by spidersVise ⌂, Saturday, September 13, 2014, 02:33 (3734 days ago) @ Funkmon

What is the role of the Awoken in this solar system?

Not much is known, but they do seem to be more evolved humans that fled during the collapse of the Golden Age. Now they just live out in the Reef away from everybody else and their silly conflicts.

What is the historical relevance of the Endless Steps?

'S where the giant Vex portal is. The Gate Lord is in charge of it. Hence going there to fetch the metal lad's head. Admittedly there either wasn't much said about this, or I don't remember it.

What purpose drives the Vex, and indeed, what do the Awoken hope to learn?

The Vex just want to conquer everything. They turn entire planets into giant machines. They did it to Mercury already, and they want to do the same to Venus and Mars. The Awoken don't want to learn anything from the Vex, they just want you to die, so they sent you on an 'impossible' task. However it could also be seen as the Queen wanting to test your mettle.


Holy crap, GameSpot gave it a 6/10. *SP-ish*

by uberfoop @, Seattle-ish, Saturday, September 13, 2014, 09:47 (3734 days ago) @ spidersVise

Not much is known

'S where the giant Vex portal is.

The Vex just want to conquer everything.

Those aren't answers to the actual questions the reviewer had.

Well, then, I'm wrong. Disregard everything.

by spidersVise ⌂, Saturday, September 13, 2014, 10:05 (3734 days ago) @ uberfoop

- No text -


The review seems accurate, but the rating doesn't.

by Funkmon @, Saturday, September 13, 2014, 02:33 (3734 days ago) @ car15

He doesn't like the extra stuff, so let's pretend it doesn't exist. So...Basically, it's a 15 hour campaign with excellent gameplay, a good multiplayer system, and a boring story with samey levels.

Sounds like an 8, NOT a 6.


The review seems accurate, but the rating doesn't.

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Saturday, September 13, 2014, 11:15 (3734 days ago) @ Funkmon

He doesn't like the extra stuff, so let's pretend it doesn't exist. So...Basically, it's a 15 hour campaign with excellent gameplay, a good multiplayer system, and a boring story with samey levels.

Sounds like an 8, NOT a 6.

Yeah this is what I feel about 90% of the reviews.


The review seems accurate, but the rating doesn't.

by car15, Saturday, September 13, 2014, 13:47 (3734 days ago) @ Funkmon

Destiny was supposed to be so much more than that. The disappointment is why it's scoring so low.

The review seems accurate, but the rating doesn't.

by Claude Errera @, Monday, September 15, 2014, 18:54 (3732 days ago) @ car15

Destiny was supposed to be so much more than that. The disappointment is why it's scoring so low.

I've actually seen a couple of reviews that explicitly stated this: "I feel like I was promised more - it's that lack of promise that's causing me to score this game low."

That's just plain stupid.

Rate the game in front of you, not the game you built up in your mind.

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