
Vault of Glass Raid Progress (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, September 16, 2014, 08:33 (3739 days ago)

As of now, I am going to sleep. We reached the final boss, and figured out how to beat him but just didn't execute and we are all tired.

The raid is completely nuts. Without spoiling anything, you will have to totally think outside the box. You have to do stuff I've never seen in a shooter, and I see why there is no matchmaking. That was absolutely the right decision, and communication is essential. Someone will have to step up as leader, and you'll be formulating strategies on the fly and taking on tasks.

Figuring everything it is really fun, however a lot of the mechanics are somewhat cheap and frustrating. Hard to say why without spoiling anything, but do yourself a favor if you try and avoid looking at how things work. Figuring it out is really fun.

It is also super ultra hardcore. There is no way but a small percentage of people will finish. I might not even finish. As of now, nobody has. Surprisingly we were on pace with all the best streamers and were actually ahead at one point.

I have had a blast so far.

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