Which Did You Pick: Auto, Pulse, Scout or Cannon? (Destiny)

by Dan de Board @, Tuesday, September 16, 2014, 19:07 (3820 days ago)

I posed this question last week before Destiny came out, and a lot of people stuck with their guns from the Beta. Now that the game is out in full swing, which primary gun type did you pick?

I really really dig my current Auto Rifle and the gun you receive at the end of the campaign is pretty stellar. I dig Hand Cannons on the harder difficulties. Scouts feel underpowered, I'd like if they had more impact and staggered the target more.


Which Did You Pick: Auto, Pulse, Scout or Cannon?

by Grizzlei ⌂ @, Pacific Cloud Zone, Earth, Tuesday, September 16, 2014, 19:22 (3820 days ago) @ Dan de Board
edited by Grizzlei, Tuesday, September 16, 2014, 19:27

I stuck with my pulse rifles. They're amazingly versatile and have more than enough punch to make a headshot queen like myself satisfied. Two or three bursts from a pulse rifle are the typical expenditure for the typical head or exposed torso.

The Psi Tempus III series were my go-to rifles throughout Story and Strike. My latest model is fully upgraded with 175 attack, a red dot, secret round, and upgraded damage. Made quick work of all the Vex at the Black Garden. Two shots to the exposed sections of Goblins, Hobgoblins, and Harpies; a full mag to the head of a Minotaur.

Now I'm using the Stranger's Rifle. I don't particularly care for the optics on it. Kinda easy to lose focus of what you're aiming at without the reference of optic casing. The full-auto feature is pretty nice when you find yourself in close quarters with a group of enemies.

Which Did You Pick: Auto, Pulse, Scout or Cannon?

by digital_ronin, Wednesday, September 17, 2014, 13:47 (3819 days ago) @ Grizzlei

Pulse rifles are great all around weapons. They have good accuracy at range and when caught up close you can keep pulling the trigger and firing from the hip to take down enemies. I always go for the ones with high stability because it is easy to get multiple critical hits when aiming down the sights or firing from the hip.

With that said, the Galahad E is a fine auto rifle that can do many of the things a pulse rifle can do.

Which Did You Pick: Auto, Pulse, Scout or Cannon?

by Oholiab @, Tuesday, September 16, 2014, 19:41 (3820 days ago) @ Dan de Board

I use the hand cannon exclusively, probably to a fault. My entire build is all about making most effective use of that weapon - faster reloads, more ammo, hair trigger, etc.

I just dig the headshots...


Which Did You Pick: Auto, Pulse, Scout or Cannon?

by bluerunner @, Music City, Tuesday, September 16, 2014, 19:57 (3820 days ago) @ Oholiab

I use the hand cannon exclusively, probably to a fault. My entire build is all about making most effective use of that weapon - faster reloads, more ammo, hair trigger, etc.

I just dig the headshots...

I'm right there with you. I just got a hand cannon for my hunter with the impact almost maxed and a 11 round mag. It was on my last strike of the night so I can't wait to try it out tomorrow. That's pretty much all I use in PvE.

I didn't like the pulse rifles at all in the beta, but I do like using them in the crucible right now with my titan. I stick to pulse and autorifles there. I haven't played as much there, so I need to get some good speed reload armor for those.

Which Did You Pick: Auto, Pulse, Scout or Cannon?

by Blue_Blazer_NZ, Wellington, New Zealand, Tuesday, September 16, 2014, 20:29 (3819 days ago) @ bluerunner

Yep - got that same hand cannon; an 11-round mag and upgraded for super-fast reloads after killing an enemy with a precision shot. Definitely my go-to when playing in my normal marksman/sniper role.


Which Did You Pick: Auto, Pulse, Scout or Cannon?

by Mr Daax ⌂ @, aka: SSG Daax, Wednesday, September 17, 2014, 13:24 (3819 days ago) @ Oholiab

I very much agree. I didn't even touch them during the beta, but after reading what bluerunner and Demag0gue had to say about them, I tried one out. That was back around level 6. I haven't used anything else since, and I'm currently level 22. They feel so satisfying to use!


Which Did You Pick: Auto, Pulse, Scout or Cannon?

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Tuesday, September 16, 2014, 19:59 (3820 days ago) @ Dan de Board

A mix.

I use The Devil You Know, a Legendary Handcannon on my Hunter. 12 shot magazine. Can kill a Guardian in two headshots. Plus it reloads super fast when empty. Of course, if you've fired off 12 shots (at 400+ damage a shot on the Vex Gatelord!) and whatever you're shooting at isn't dead reloading is probably the least of your problems.

Currently my Titan is using an Acheron SR5 Scout Rifle with Explosive Rounds. Most shots explode on impact. Not quite as impressive as it sounds as the explosion isn't big enough to damage all put the most tightly packed enemies. I just hope it annoys Crucible opponents. Just as a rifle though it's got a medium rate of fire and a good range and scope. I use it as a spotter for snipers then either use it to kill them or pull out a sniper rifle if they are too far away.


Which Did You Pick: Auto, Pulse, Scout or Cannon?

by breitzen @, Kansas, Tuesday, September 16, 2014, 20:41 (3819 days ago) @ Dan de Board

All around weapon: Rare Galahad - E auto-rifle

This will likely change but this rifle just feels good. Perfect balance for me in the Crucible and against all PvE enemies.

Patrol headshot fun: Uncommon Bandit Mk. 36 hand cannon

This just feels good in the hand and has a ton of kick. To slow for me in the Crucible though.


Auto Rifles

by RaichuKFM @, Northeastern Ohio, Tuesday, September 16, 2014, 21:09 (3819 days ago) @ Dan de Board


Also, my secondary character is a Hunter who uses Hand Cannons.

Which Did You Pick: Auto, Pulse, Scout or Cannon?

by Avateur @, Tuesday, September 16, 2014, 21:20 (3819 days ago) @ Dan de Board

Pulse Rifle for PvE, Auto Rifle for Crucible.


Which Did You Pick: Auto, Pulse, Scout or Cannon?

by ShadowOfTheVoid ⌂, South Carolina, Tuesday, September 16, 2014, 22:29 (3819 days ago) @ Dan de Board

Scout Rifles FTW! They fit with my play style, which is a preference for long-range combat. I prefer semi-automatic weapons with high accuracy and good range with which I can pick off my enemies at a distance. Pulse Rifles just feel too finicky. Since headshots rarely kill enemies instantly in the game unless they're of sufficiently low rank relative to you, being able to more consistently hit follow-up headshots at medium to long range is important to me. I've had great results with all the Scout Rifles I've had, and I really dig my current rifle, the rare Primed Yamaduta S4.


Which Did You Pick: Auto, Pulse, Scout or Cannon?

by GrandmasterNinja, Wednesday, September 17, 2014, 00:02 (3819 days ago) @ Dan de Board

My Titan uses a hand cannon. It's just easier for me to kill things with that gun. The time to kill is almost one shot for most things in the story, and crucible gets easy with that pistol.

I tend to just sprint around and tackle people in the crucible, because it's a one hit kill.



by Blackt1g3r @, Login is from an untrusted domain in MN, Wednesday, September 17, 2014, 07:18 (3819 days ago) @ GrandmasterNinja

Shoulder charging people in the crucible is soooo satisfying. :)

Which Did You Pick: Auto, Pulse, Scout or Cannon?

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Wednesday, September 17, 2014, 02:02 (3819 days ago) @ Dan de Board

My poor little Scout seems pretty ineffectual now. Handcannon has taken the top spot for me. Absolutely sick of that 3 second reload now though haha.


Which Did You Pick: Auto, Pulse, Scout or Cannon?

by GrandmasterNinja, Wednesday, September 17, 2014, 02:14 (3819 days ago) @ someotherguy

Get gloves that increase your reload speed! Really helps.

Which Did You Pick: Hand Cannon or Hand Cannon?

by Numinar @, Wednesday, September 17, 2014, 04:03 (3819 days ago) @ Dan de Board

Favorite weapon is Hand Cannon, so much fun PvP and PvE. Haven't had a good one since my regulator but that thing was a beast. I think I used HC's exclusively from lvl 12 to 18 or so. Hope to snag a newer rare or better one sooner rather than later! I'm getting a little bored of the Strangers Rifle.


Which Did You Pick: Auto, Pulse, Scout or Cannon?

by SonofMacPhisto @, Wednesday, September 17, 2014, 05:36 (3819 days ago) @ Dan de Board

I posed this question last week before Destiny came out, and a lot of people stuck with their guns from the Beta. Now that the game is out in full swing, which primary gun type did you pick?

I really really dig my current Auto Rifle and the gun you receive at the end of the campaign is pretty stellar. I dig Hand Cannons on the harder difficulties. Scouts feel underpowered, I'd like if they had more impact and staggered the target more.

Never played the Beta, but fell in love with auto rifles right away. Can switch between burst fire at long range and full auto "say hello to my little friend" in close. Got me a Legendary Arc right now - insane rate of fire, 66 round magazine, good stability (with the upgrade), and extra damage after reloading after a kill (which I do obsessively anyway!).


Handcannons for me

by Spec ops Grunt @, Broklahoma, Wednesday, September 17, 2014, 06:48 (3819 days ago) @ Dan de Board

- No text -


Which Did You Pick: Auto, Pulse, Scout or Cannon?

by Anton P. Nym (aka Steve) ⌂ @, London, Ontario, Canada, Wednesday, September 17, 2014, 07:50 (3819 days ago) @ Dan de Board

I chose auto; pulse chose me.

I started with a hand cannon because I'd heard it changed from the beta version; very nice, but my Hunter was a sniper and using a pistol meant counting solely on low-magazine precision weapons... tactically a very big risk, particularly when solo-ing. So I changed to auto rifle and finished the story mode with that.

Then I got the Stranger's Gun, a pulse rifle, and it fits my style of play much better than I expected... so I've stuck with that in my end-game play.

-- Steve started a manic-Space-Elf-girl (Ascended Warlock) alt, though, who'll use hand cannon and fusion gun. (And machine gun in the heavy slot, 'cause.)


Which Did You Pick: Auto, Pulse, Scout or Cannon?

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Wednesday, September 17, 2014, 13:10 (3819 days ago) @ Anton P. Nym (aka Steve)

Then I got the Stranger's Gun, a pulse rifle, and it fits my style of play much better than I expected... so I've stuck with that in my end-game play.

Yeah the Stranger's Rifle is a beast! If I wasn't in love with my Regulator HC I would use it as my main gun.


Scout for PvE, Auto for PvP

by RC ⌂, UK, Wednesday, September 17, 2014, 12:38 (3819 days ago) @ Dan de Board

...so far, in general.

I do find different weapons more suitable to different enemies, encounters and levels than others. Kind of a 'duh' when I type it out.

I've been finding the Scout great against fallen. But feel the auto is often better against the Hive. For Vex, I find a Pulse rifle easier to hit the weak spot on their bellies with.

I've got a Legendary Scout Rifle called Crypt Dweller SR1. It's a Dead Orbit spec weapon that I got out of a Legendary Engram. So I've been using that a lot in the last few days. Hoping to get Legendary examples of the other types soon :)


by rliebherr @, St. Louis, Missouri, Wednesday, September 17, 2014, 13:10 (3819 days ago) @ Dan de Board
edited by rliebherr, Wednesday, September 17, 2014, 13:16

I use SR and HC in PvE, and an AR in PvP.

The AR is still a little OP in The Crucible, in my opinsion. The range is too good. The only time I'm killed by another weapon is if they have a significant jump on me, or I'm outnumbered (even then, I can typically blink away, and get them later; I love the Hunter). Otherwise, the repeated headshots from the AR seem to distract players from getting headshots with their other weapons. It's important that the AR have decent stability, though.

EDIT: The Galahad-E seems to have the perfect balance of stability and impact. I'm looking forward to the Iron Banner, when Level Bonuses are enabled. Non-exotic AR lovers like msyelf will probably find ourselves with a rude awakenting.



by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Wednesday, September 17, 2014, 13:12 (3819 days ago) @ rliebherr

The AR is still a little OP in The Crucible, in my opinsion. The range is too good.

I agree, I can out shoot opponents sometimes if my headshots are perfect, but their aim doesn't have to be nearly as good. It can get pretty maddening at times.


Which Did You Pick: Auto, Pulse, Scout or Cannon?

by LostSpartan, Wednesday, September 17, 2014, 14:19 (3819 days ago) @ Dan de Board

I alternate between all three when doing any sort of PvE stuff, but have been sticking pretty closely to my auto rifles for crucible matches. Every time I try and use a Scout or Pulse rifle there, I just get demolished.


Which Did You Pick: Auto, Pulse, Scout or Cannon?

by SigbiasSilva @, West Midlands, England, Wednesday, September 17, 2014, 19:48 (3819 days ago) @ Dan de Board

I loooooved the Scout Rifle in the beta. I held a pretty good KD with the thing. That and the Shotgun was the way to go.

But errr... well, I found the Shingen-E, and we've been having a blast together. It's pretty damn nice, and gains bonus accuracy while crouched. Yes please.

I have yet to settle on a Scout Rifle again... got my eye on the FWC one and the Cryptic Dragon though. Need to wait until next week before I can afford those. Need me some marks.

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