
Which Did You Pick: Auto, Pulse, Scout or Cannon? (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Tuesday, September 16, 2014, 19:59 (3739 days ago) @ Dan de Board

A mix.

I use The Devil You Know, a Legendary Handcannon on my Hunter. 12 shot magazine. Can kill a Guardian in two headshots. Plus it reloads super fast when empty. Of course, if you've fired off 12 shots (at 400+ damage a shot on the Vex Gatelord!) and whatever you're shooting at isn't dead reloading is probably the least of your problems.

Currently my Titan is using an Acheron SR5 Scout Rifle with Explosive Rounds. Most shots explode on impact. Not quite as impressive as it sounds as the explosion isn't big enough to damage all put the most tightly packed enemies. I just hope it annoys Crucible opponents. Just as a rifle though it's got a medium rate of fire and a good range and scope. I use it as a spotter for snipers then either use it to kill them or pull out a sniper rifle if they are too far away.

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