My optimistic take on the Destiny story (Destiny)

by Earendil, Thursday, September 18, 2014, 15:09 (3738 days ago) @ yakaman

What was clear to me is that a good number of characters have motives, and those motives are not known yet. Plots within plots, to borrow a phrase from Dune. I didn't think any characters or plot strand was outright dismissed, cutoff with no way to pick them up again. What I do see is our character having to move on and not see certain things to their conclusion all in one go. Many story telling forms follow this nature, where a few plot lines start out, seemingly unrelated, and then at some point in the story they start to diverge.

First person story telling is not at all common in modern entertainment, but that is effectively what we get when we can only experience what our character experiences. As far as I remember, the only time this is broken is when we get to listen to the Queen and brother talk out of earshot of our character. Third person or the omni present narrator is more common, and makes the jump between different plot lines a little smoother I think.

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