Ward of Dawn Feedback Needed (Destiny)
I'm loving the Defender subclass. Ward of Dawn is the shizz. Looking for feedback from you all as to what you'd like to see on the battlefield, if say you had a super-fly Defender running around.
If you're not familiar with the class, let me break it down like this: Defenders can help create orbs of light (melee attacks, Dawn taking damage, heavy weapon kills), heavy defensive bonuses (Dawn itself, shield bonuses from being inside or walking through the Dawn), or light weapon bonuses (from walking through it). Focus on one? Mix it up? Thoughts?
I know in PvE people love seeing the orbs. In PvP the Dawn itself, along with Blessing of Light (overshield when you step through the Dawn) is super nice.
It's also the kind of thing where I don't seem to worry about my Super cooldown, because once I've got it I save it until the right moment. I'll go entire Strikes without deploying it, because it just wasn't needed.
Ward of Dawn Feedback Needed
I really liked picking up the over shield when passing through. Last night I tried to keep track of where you were just so I had a safe spot to retreat to. The extra orbs were all right, but I like being guaranteed an over shield when I got to you. That helped me turn on people who were chasing me.
That is a great subclass for control. If anything, you need the upgrade to extend its duration. There was no way the other team was talking a zone if you had that thing deployed.
Ward of Dawn Feedback Needed
I really liked picking up the over shield when passing through. Last night I tried to keep track of where you were just so I had a safe spot to retreat to. The extra orbs were all right, but I like being guaranteed an over shield when I got to you. That helped me turn on people who were chasing me.
That is a great subclass for control. If anything, you need the upgrade to extend its duration. There was no way the other team was talking a zone if you had that thing deployed.
Yeah, duration upgrade seems always useful. Still vulnerable to Blade Dancer, and IIRC I think the Warlock void Super disabled it at one point. Might've just been the timing.
Ward of Dawn Feedback Needed
I keep having this vision of a fireteam full of players generating orbs of light so you can pretty much run your supers non-stop. Personally, I'd prefer the overshield because I'm a striker titan and I love to get in close with my fusion rifle.
Heavy defensive bonuses!
The Ward is so great. I've seen it turn around so many tricky situations, and having a team pop in/through for shielding is great fun.
When I try the Titan, it'll be for the Ward :)
Those seem better than the weapon bonus.
The Ward is so great. I've seen it turn around so many tricky situations, and having a team pop in/through for shielding is great fun.
When I try the Titan, it'll be for the Ward :)
Considering the potency of weapons and supers, I'm having a hard time justifying the weapon upgrade (bonus from walking through the Dawn, instead of a shield).
Can anyone think of a time/place for it?
Those seem better than the weapon bonus.
Considering the potency of weapons and supers, I'm having a hard time justifying the weapon upgrade (bonus from walking through the Dawn, instead of a shield).
Can anyone think of a time/place for it?
Boss fights. Get more weapon damage to take them down faster.
Those seem better than the weapon bonus.
Considering the potency of weapons and supers, I'm having a hard time justifying the weapon upgrade (bonus from walking through the Dawn, instead of a shield).
Can anyone think of a time/place for it?
Boss fights. Get more weapon damage to take them down faster.
You know... against tanks for sure. If you're engaging at range, that extra shielding probably won't save you from their massive cannons, and you should be focusing on dodging to stay alive anyway.
Not sure about bosses themselves, as the mobs can still get you (Phogoth and the Archon Priest, especially).
Ward of Dawn Feedback Needed
I've tried to like it during pvp but it never seemed to give me a big enough advantage. It was refreshing to switch back to a Striker and actually kill things with my Super. I have noticed that the bubble can only take so much damage. As noted, a nova bomb will kill it as will two or three shots from Golden gun.
In story mode though it is great. It's a get out of jail free card that keeps you alive when you get cornered. I also love getting the recharging overshield and punching entire groups of Thralls. Free orbs for everyone!
Ward of Dawn Feedback Needed
In story mode though it is great. It's a get out of jail free card that keeps you alive when you get cornered. I also love getting the recharging overshield and punching entire groups of Thralls. Free orbs for everyone!
I use the cloaking abilities of Bladedancer like this. Just melee a thrall and run away invisible while my shields regenerate.