Fascinating quotes from Xur (Destiny)
"My movements are not fully under my own control..is is different for you?"
"There are no birds where I come from the things that fly are like shadows."
"We came up from the dust and burrowed into flesh for warmth and became something new."
"My movements to a significant degree are dependent on planetary alignments."
"What sort of thing are you?"
"There is something inside me that wishes to connect."
"For organic life to prosiest it requires constant adaptation."
"The pull of the outer worlds is so faint here, the sun is so heavy."
"My will is not my own."
"An end is here."
"it is my will to speak to you."
"I hope to be here again."
"Some of these cells in this body began on this world, so strange to return."
"Bodies come and go but the cells remember and if they forget the Nine remember it for us."
"So much light here, I suppose I feel pain."
"So lonely here."
"An end will come...we will be there."
"My function here is to trade...I know this."
"The Nine wish to speak to you."
"I may be here when you return."
"The Awoken did not make a choice...but we did."
"These inner worlds are very strange."
"My movements..are not predictable even to me."
"I am only an Agent, the Nine rule beyond the Joveans."
"I feel a great many consciousnesses impinging on my mind and all of them so small and lonely."
"I am an Agent of the Nine."
"I...cannot endure this place long."
"It is very possible that the Nine will help humanity."
"Speak with me."
"I understood my mission when the Nine put it in me but now I cannot articulate it."
"Each mote of dust tells a story of ancient earth."
"Items belong to the Nine not me."
"If I am here it is the Nine that sent me."
"I do not know what the Nine want with you."
"Some of this bodies ancestors where born on this world but we were greatly changed to live in the outer worlds."
"But it was the Nine that gave us purpose and the Nine that
"I came to the light..perhaps..to understand the light."
"You walk among them."
"I do not fully control my movements."
"Good bye."
"I have told you what I can."
"The deep black is many things but never lonely."
"I think the cells of this body are dying already."
"I have information but I do not know yet if you are the one it is meant for."
"Your traveler has a dark mirror."
"I think it is very possible that I am here to help you."
"we saw the colony fail...not knowing what we saw."