Bup-DATE! (Destiny)
MrSwier DeeJ, Why are Warlocks the best class in the world?
It’s really a matter of the people who choose to embody that class. They are the finest humans, aliens, and machines in the City. They are faithful, have a dashing sense of fashion, and contain the bravest beating hearts in their chests.
MrSwier DeeJ, Why are Warlocks the best class in the world?
It’s really a matter of the people who choose to embody that class. They are the saddest losers, heathens, and toaster ovens in the City. They are pathetic, have a dashing sense of how to seem even more pitiful, and contain the envy of their stronger, wiser, and more bodacious brothers and sisters... The Titans.
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I wish to shake this man's hand...
Because that thing is glorious and was amazing fun to sit and watch animate. Easily the single most fantastic piece of animated scenery I've ever come across in a game.
Image didn't link like I thought it would. The whole thread is fantastic.
Because that thing is glorious and was amazing fun to sit and watch animate. Easily the single most fantastic piece of animated scenery I've ever come across in a game.
Image didn't link like I thought it would. The whole thread is fantastic.
...And here I was hesitating about weather or not I should post this here. While you're at it look at the high poly vs low poly spider tank & Gjallarhorn.
The Hunter: No better friend, no worse enemy
While I would lament at such a high-level person as DeeJ promoting the fashionable attire Warlocks don at the expense of their Hunter comrades, one thing is abundantly clear: Hunters have style. We have finesse. Better yet, our good looks come with a insightful past, as this cloak description so elegantly details:
"If you learn nothing else, learn this: when a Hunter takes up the cloak of a dead comrade, this is a vow."
Better than a unicorn helmet if you ask me.
So no Reef update for The Queen's Wrath :(
Based on Deej's answer to this Mailsack Q:
KTfreak4Jesus Is the Tower going to be opened up more?
Yes. And soon. Hell hath no fury like a Queen scorned.
I don't think we'll see the Reef until House of Wolves.
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MrSwier DeeJ, Why are Warlocks the best class in the world?
It’s really a matter of the people who choose to embody that class. They are the finest humans, aliens, and machines in the City. They are faithful, have a dashing sense of fashion, and contain the bravest beating hearts in their chests.
Dashing sense of fashion? That's for sure:
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How does it look with different shaders?
I... can't believe I haven't checked that.
I'll investigate and take some screenshots as soon as these server issues resolve.
Here's those shader screenies I promised!
It's a bit of a rushed screenshot job, doing this between the crucible you see!
Edit: Added a couple more in, including without a shader at the end.
Dat white-in-orange