Is 'luck' a thing in Destiny? (Destiny)

by yakaman, Monday, September 22, 2014, 07:21 (3759 days ago)

I'm almost level 24 and have yet to stumble on any Legendary gear. In fact, I've only found maybe 5-6 legendary engrams, total. I also seem to get Rares and Uncommons at a relatively low rate.

I base this on my play time with my friends, whose drops (and subsequently gear) seem to be consistently better than mine.

Do guardians get a random luck score at conception? I mean, forget about Exotics, I can find shit for legendary. It seems most of the players I inspect will have at least 1 exotic, even if they of lower level (i.e. 20).

I have not done a ton of bounties or patrol missions, though I am starting to. Quite a bit of play in the Vanguard strikes, quite a bit of patrolling (i.e. random killing), very little Crucible.

Am I doing something wrong?


"But you had something they didn't."

by Zeouterlimits, Ireland, Monday, September 22, 2014, 07:36 (3759 days ago) @ yakaman

Do guardians get a random luck score at conception? I mean, forget about Exotics, I can find shit for legendary. It seems most of the players I inspect will have at least 1 exotic, even if they of lower level (i.e. 20).

Ha! That would be wonderfully [awfully] cruel.
No, I'm fairly certain there's no intentional programmatic luck like that.

I've never seen a level 20 with an exotic, congrats to them.

You've just been badly treated by the RNG. I suggest you read guides on how best to get exotics so you can see where to MIN/MAX for them, if you really want them.


by c0ld vengeance @, UK, Monday, September 22, 2014, 07:39 (3758 days ago) @ yakaman

Its seems to be what everyone else is doing. Perhaps the game is designed to push you towards this... feels like it anyway.



by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, September 22, 2014, 07:39 (3758 days ago) @ c0ld vengeance

Its seems to be what everyone else is doing. Perhaps the game is designed to push you towards this... feels like it anyway.

Blame Tyson.


by rliebherr @, St. Louis, Missouri, Monday, September 22, 2014, 07:46 (3758 days ago) @ c0ld vengeance

By far, the best way to get Legendaries and Extocis is to increase your rep, hit the mark cap every week and buy them. Do the Weekly Nightfall and Weekly Strike for Strange Coins. Bungie built in a way to "farm," but you're not farming engrams. You need to grind rep and marks. It's the only guaranteed way to get the items you want. All of the farming posts you see on Reddit are pointless, mind numbing exercises. Hit the Strike playlists, do some Patrols, and collect your daily Bounties. It's still mind numbing, but it's much less so than sitting in front of a cave and shooting spawning enemies for hours on end.

The RNG loot drop is how it should be. There are no shortcuts. You need to work for the items you obtain. Loot caving is not the way to do that.


You're not doing anything wrong

by Revenant1988 ⌂ @, How do I forum?, Monday, September 22, 2014, 07:39 (3758 days ago) @ yakaman
edited by Revenant1988, Monday, September 22, 2014, 07:46

I'm almost level 24 and have yet to stumble on any Legendary gear. In fact, I've only found maybe 5-6 legendary engrams, total. I also seem to get Rares and Uncommons at a relatively low rate.

I base this on my play time with my friends, whose drops (and subsequently gear) seem to be consistently better than mine.

Do guardians get a random luck score at conception? I mean, forget about Exotics, I can find shit for legendary. It seems most of the players I inspect will have at least 1 exotic, even if they of lower level (i.e. 20).

I have not done a ton of bounties or patrol missions, though I am starting to. Quite a bit of play in the Vanguard strikes, quite a bit of patrolling (i.e. random killing), very little Crucible.

Am I doing something wrong?

It is entirely luck based.

All of it.

There might be somethings you can do to "boost" your chances (like having a higher rank with the cryptarc) but it is essentially a lottery.

I'm about the same position as you in terms of rank and what you describe- and I've gotten no legendary items (except for a shader). I got my first exotic bounty yesterday morning, and it's been a pain. It forced me to play games in the crucible, which I was trying to avoid at all costs (I just don't enjoy it). What's funny though is as I was working my way through stage 4 of that bounty, I got ANOTHER exotic weapon bounty. No reason, it literally just happened. So, new rule, Rev only plays crucible if he's working on an exotic.

A couple of my friends, same level or higher have not had any of those yet.

YET, my fiance is playing with us last night- she's not a skilled MP person. She had a .25 k\d and the game gifted her Thunderlord because, screw you guys, reasons :P

It was pretty hilarious. I spent my whole sunday chasing and grinding this bounty, and she got one for existing!

Lottery dude. Lottery.

EDIT: While I have not gotten any legendary guns or armor, I DO seem to get a decent amount of rare materials that everyone else covets like ascendant shards. I'm sitting on a ton of resources like spin metal, plasteel, zero-point energy thingys and ascendant shards.

So....there's that?


You're not doing anything wrong

by bluerunner @, Music City, Monday, September 22, 2014, 07:46 (3758 days ago) @ Revenant1988

I've gotten one legendary armor engram (for boots) and that's all I've gotten. I'm level 25 thanks to a legendary chest piece I bought. I've not had a single exotic bounty. I've just decided I'm going to have to buy everything.


I am Frank Grimes, but I need to PLAY Destiny like Homer.

by Revenant1988 ⌂ @, How do I forum?, Monday, September 22, 2014, 07:57 (3758 days ago) @ bluerunner

I've gotten one legendary armor engram (for boots) and that's all I've gotten. I'm level 25 thanks to a legendary chest piece I bought. I've not had a single exotic bounty. I've just decided I'm going to have to buy everything.

Heh, you may not want a bounty after all the work you have to do to get it. I'm working on the Thorn cannon right now. The story behind it, the questing part is REALLY cool. But the grinding is not.

Stage 1: Complete specific moon mission on heroic without dying (k)

Stage 2: Gun lusts after hive corpses. Kill more hive until you get 1000 things from them. Oh, and thralls give you 1 pt, knights give you 5pt etc. (ugh...k)

Stage 3: Gun want guardian blood. Kill scrubs in crucible, using ONLY void damage to get to 500. Oh, and you're a titan class? Defensive void? Trollololol. Better stick to that crap shotgun you've held onto for only vex shields. (goddamit bungie. Too far to quit now.)

Complete task. Time to claim reward, guardian! See the speaker!


Stage 4 : This gun is possessed by the hive still and will consume you. I can fix that for motes of light, says the Speaker. (Pay the man my motes of light. Can I have it now?)

Stage 5: Well, that didn't work. Sorry. Better go talk to the Warlock vanguard. (OMGkillME) Yup Guardian, this gun is still telepathically linked to Xyor. Better go kill him again. OH, but now he's with Phogoth in the summoning pit. Make sure you DON'T kill Phogot until you entice Xyor out and kill him first. (despair sets in. Bones laughs)

Stage 6 : Fiance in chair next to me gets Thunderlord for free, calls it "a big shooty thing".



You're not doing anything wrong

by CommandrCleavage @, USA-Midwest, Monday, September 22, 2014, 12:31 (3758 days ago) @ Revenant1988

It happened exactly like that......I have an Exotic Thunderlord.....and not one Legendary anything..... im a level 21.

Rev and Bones were sad faced


You're not doing anything wrong

by yakaman, Monday, September 22, 2014, 13:03 (3758 days ago) @ CommandrCleavage

It happened exactly like that......I have an Exotic Thunderlord.....and not one Legendary anything..... im a level 21.

Rev and Bones were sad faced


You must have done something right. Perhaps you're just that good a person? Karma!

Is 'luck' a thing in Destiny?

by Monochron, Monday, September 22, 2014, 10:12 (3758 days ago) @ yakaman

Same situation here man. I've seen streamers and worst-performers in the Crucible get Legendary Engrams over and over, but I still haven't gotten one. Even got my Cryptarch up to level 5 but still nada.

I do have a bitchin Legendary Emblem though. So there's that...

Is 'luck' a thing in Destiny?

by yakaman, Monday, September 22, 2014, 13:02 (3758 days ago) @ Monochron

I do have a bitchin Legendary Emblem though. So there's that...

Ah, me too. It's the only goddam legendary thing I've gotten. Playing with my buddy and hearing "hell yes, another purple" like 1 or 2 times per strike (or whatever) drives me nuts.

I'm starting to play like a reckless madman just in case it's performance-based, somehow.

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