What's the best method for getting Rare level 20 armor? (Destiny)

by Jironimo ⌂, Monday, September 22, 2014, 08:20 (3758 days ago)

I'm at about 22 right now and I'm getting frustrated because all of my rare armor is level 17 or 18 so it's not enough light to get me up to 24. Does anyone know of a good method to get level 20 Rare armor or Legendary armor so I can move forward?

I know that I can play the RNG game but that's just a total crapshoot. I'd rather be surprised while working towards Legendary armor with Vanguard marks then pray to RNGesus for good stuff.

Any ideas would be appreciated. Oh, and I'm on Xbox One if anyone is interested in playing tonight.

GT: Jironimo

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