Blizzard cancels Titan (Off-Topic)

by Fuertisimo, Tuesday, September 23, 2014, 12:09 (3505 days ago)

Not really Destiny or Bungie related but still pretty big gaming news IMO, Blizzard has cancelled Titan, the game that's been in development for a decade, and was completely rebooted a year ago, but evidently to no avail.

I find this extremely amusing. Guess when the last time was that Blizzard developed and released a new IP? Think about it.




It was the original Starcraft, released 16 years ago. Every single release since then has been a sequel or spinoff that uses existing Blizzard IP.

Their most ambitious projects have been a MTG clone with Warcraft flavor, and a MOBA with all existing Blizzard lore champions.

At least Bungie has contractually obligated to churn out new Halo games like beasts of burden until they were set free, Blizzard isn't just milking their IP's anymore, they've set up a dairy farm.

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