Seriously...SERIOUSLY!!!!!! (Destiny)

by CrazedOne, Friday, September 26, 2014, 22:30 (3505 days ago)

I'm so sick of getting dropped all the time! Ever since Bungie sent this stupid update, I can't keep a stable connection for the life of me. Before it was during a strike, or during a public event and I'd just drop out of nowhere. But this was the last straw. Me, Rowboat and Avateur are playing through the Nightfall strike. We're taking our time, being careful and making good progress. The boss is a sliver from dying and *BLACK SCREEN*! I get kicked back to orbit and get that stupid "you have been disconnected" crap. I was BEYOND PISSED!!!!! Missed out on some awesome gear and completing a big strike! I had zero issues before that update, now I can't rely on staying in a game... QQ@&#^$Q(*&@#%(*&%@#&*^@#)*&$&)(*&@#%$(*&@%#($&*

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