So late to the party... I just beat Destiny last night. (Destiny)

by Fuertisimo, Sunday, September 28, 2014, 17:48 (3794 days ago) @ bryan newman

Late to the party on that particular observation too I'm afraid ;).

It appears, and this is only my personal theory (backed up somewhat by other sources including this rather telling post from Penny Arcade, specifically paragraphs 3 through 5), that the game underwent some rather dramatic revisions in the last 6-12 months of its development, and I think one of the casualties of that was any semblance of a coherent story being told within the game itself.

Also, it would appear they hooked up Peter Dinklage to an IV of tranquilizers and hallucinogens during recording, which unsurprisingly doesn't seem to have improved the quality of his work.

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