
I love this game, and I love you, DBO (Destiny)

by RC ⌂, UK, Thursday, October 02, 2014, 07:11 (3504 days ago)

I have to say, I'm really enjoying playing Destiny with more of you, more often than before. I never got to play Halo with this many BOrgers, so frequently, and I'll always regret that. But Destiny is making up for it a little.

Just this week, I had a couple of people drop in and rescue me at the end of the Weekly Heroic Strike, then spent the next hour helping them on the Nightfall. Going full-on Ninja Bladedancer to revive them. I dropped into someone else's Patrol game, we smashed some mobs for a while, then tag-teamed a few Queen's Wrath missions for fun. On Monday, I was in a Patrol by myself, when yet another DBOer dropped in and said 'hey, wanna do the Raid?' After recruiting 4 more DBOers we entered, and 3 hours later emerged victorious, covered in swag!

Good times. :)

For the record, if my party is open to you, it's safe to assume you can join. If I want to be alone I'll close it. Otherwise, I'll take any help I can get.

Now, if only we could bring about the end of the console wars so we could all play together...

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