
See how cool custom games could be? (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, October 03, 2014, 10:19 (3530 days ago)

1. Enable / Disable supers. Alter charge time. Maybe all supers charge in 5 seconds!
2. Disable radar.
3. Add burn elements.
4. Restrict loadouts to certain weapons or certain types of weapons. Handcanons and snipers only!
5. Monsters on netmaps. It was kind of a cool option in Marathon.
6. Alter gravity. Finally high jump on Mars.
7. Leader traits etc.

Also why is there not oddball with a tiny traveler as the ball?


Mind-blowingly cool

by Speedracer513 @, Dallas, Texas, Friday, October 03, 2014, 10:24 (3530 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I especially like the suggestion of tweaking around with elemental damages.


Mind-blowingly cool

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, October 03, 2014, 10:46 (3530 days ago) @ Speedracer513

I especially like the suggestion of tweaking around with elemental damages.

Like, maybe you could set it for the entire match, or to change every X minutes / seconds. Change every 15 seconds for maximum craziness!


See how cool custom games could be?

by SigbiasSilva @, West Midlands, England, Friday, October 03, 2014, 10:31 (3530 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Also why is there not oddball with a tiny traveler as the ball?

Or perhaps a sought after purple engram?


See how cool custom games could be?

by Speedracer513 @, Dallas, Texas, Friday, October 03, 2014, 10:38 (3530 days ago) @ SigbiasSilva

Also why is there not oddball with a tiny traveler as the ball?

Or perhaps a sought after purple engram?

with a faint hologram of the Cryptarch's face inside


See how cool custom games could be?

by bluerunner @, Music City, Friday, October 03, 2014, 10:46 (3530 days ago) @ SigbiasSilva

Also why is there not oddball with a tiny traveler as the ball?

Or perhaps a sought after purple engram?

The winner gets the engram. I would love this in matchmaking.


Why do you have to rub it in? </3

by Hyokin, New York, Friday, October 03, 2014, 11:21 (3530 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Community Customs:
2009 - 2014*

*Let's be honest. 2012.


Why do you have to rub it in? </3

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Friday, October 03, 2014, 12:27 (3530 days ago) @ Hyokin

Community Customs:
2009 - 2014*

*Let's be honest. 2012.

Shake it off. We've all been dead before.


Why do you have to rub it in? </3

by Revenant1988 ⌂ @, How do I forum?, Friday, October 03, 2014, 13:22 (3530 days ago) @ General Vagueness

Community Customs:
2009 - 2014*

*Let's be honest. 2012.

Shake it off. We've all been dead before.

I'm impressed by your response, GV, considering the previous comment was a pretty douchey thing to say.


Why do you have to rub it in? </3

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Friday, October 03, 2014, 17:50 (3529 days ago) @ Revenant1988

Community Customs:
2009 - 2014*

*Let's be honest. 2012.

Shake it off. We've all been dead before.

I'm impressed by your response, GV, considering the previous comment was a pretty douchey thing to say.

The one about it being dead? By most measures, Community Customs has "died" a few times, and it's been undead for some time now; I would've preferred to see it phrased differently, but I know Hyokin doesn't think it's a lost cause any more than I do. Thanks, though, it's always nice to know I impressed someone. :)


Why do you have to rub it in? </3

by Hyokin, New York, Friday, October 03, 2014, 21:33 (3529 days ago) @ General Vagueness

I was mostly referring to the crash when I fucked everyone over just after Halo 4 came out...

Sorry, Vagueness. :(


See how cool custom games could be?

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Friday, October 03, 2014, 11:24 (3530 days ago) @ Cody Miller

3. Add burn elements.

What about only heavy weapons have a particular element and the Juggernaut has a matching shield?

So here is why we wont be getting custom games any time soon

by Monochron, Friday, October 03, 2014, 13:23 (3530 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Different game variants are currently a part of Bungie's plan to keep players coming back week after week. Salvage and other game modes that aren't always available a a nice treat that Bungie can drop in and out of the lineup in order to entice us to keep playing, and it seems to be working very well so far.

Giving players ability to explore every aspect of the game in that way goes against the progression systems that Bungie uses all throughout Destiny. You rely on leveling up and periodical drops (loot or playlists) to expand your experience. It is a model that works.

I think we will get custom games eventually, but it just isn't a part of Bungie's near-term plans.

So here is why we wont be getting custom games any time soon

by Jabberwok, Friday, October 03, 2014, 14:52 (3530 days ago) @ Monochron

Different game variants are currently a part of Bungie's plan to keep players coming back week after week. Salvage and other game modes that aren't always available a a nice treat that Bungie can drop in and out of the lineup in order to entice us to keep playing, and it seems to be working very well so far.

Giving players ability to explore every aspect of the game in that way goes against the progression systems that Bungie uses all throughout Destiny. You rely on leveling up and periodical drops (loot or playlists) to expand your experience. It is a model that works.

I think we will get custom games eventually, but it just isn't a part of Bungie's near-term plans.

I agree that we probably won't see this. I also agree that they are blocking content to keep players coming back. But I'm not sure that it's actually necessary. Bungie had an active player base for years after release with every Halo game, without needing to withhold game modes like this. Lots of people playing Destiny doesn't mean this new strategy of theirs is working. Correlation is not causation. And I also object to the strategy on principle.

In short, I agree that they are using a certain model, but I'm not convinced that the model is working any better than not using it, and I also find the model despicable.


So here is why we wont be getting custom games any time soon

by car15, Friday, October 03, 2014, 15:01 (3530 days ago) @ Jabberwok

Not only is it unnecessary, it's actively off-putting to certain players, like myself.


So here is why we wont be getting custom games any time soon

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Friday, October 03, 2014, 17:59 (3529 days ago) @ Jabberwok

Different game variants are currently a part of Bungie's plan to keep players coming back week after week. Salvage and other game modes that aren't always available a a nice treat that Bungie can drop in and out of the lineup in order to entice us to keep playing, and it seems to be working very well so far.

Giving players ability to explore every aspect of the game in that way goes against the progression systems that Bungie uses all throughout Destiny. You rely on leveling up and periodical drops (loot or playlists) to expand your experience. It is a model that works.

I think we will get custom games eventually, but it just isn't a part of Bungie's near-term plans.

I agree that we probably won't see this. I also agree that they are blocking content to keep players coming back. But I'm not sure that it's actually necessary. Bungie had an active player base for years after release with every Halo game, without needing to withhold game modes like this. Lots of people playing Destiny doesn't mean this new strategy of theirs is working. Correlation is not causation. And I also object to the strategy on principle.

In short, I agree that they are using a certain model, but I'm not convinced that the model is working any better than not using it, and I also find the model despicable.

I've never been fond of this periodic playlist thing they've been doing since Halo 3 (or Halo 2, even? I wasn't really around for that), but I accepted it. Doing it when there are only four permanent playlists and they all have one gametype each is kind of ridiculous. It's ridiculous in almost the same way as not having custom games, actually.
I'm not holding my breath on custom games coming to Destiny, either; maybe for the sequel, if they're still planning on multiple games instead of one long-running game, and I think they are because manufacture of and support for the older consoles it's on will probably end in less than 10 years.

See how cool custom games could be?

by Jabberwok, Friday, October 03, 2014, 14:45 (3530 days ago) @ Cody Miller

1. Enable / Disable supers. Alter charge time. Maybe all supers charge in 5 seconds!
2. Disable radar.
3. Add burn elements.
4. Restrict loadouts to certain weapons or certain types of weapons. Handcanons and snipers only!
5. Monsters on netmaps. It was kind of a cool option in Marathon.
6. Alter gravity. Finally high jump on Mars.
7. Leader traits etc.

Also why is there not oddball with a tiny traveler as the ball?

Monsters on netmaps would be fun, it would be nice to have that thrown in to the competitive modes to spice things up. And I totally agree about Oddball. That and King of the Hill were always my favorites.

This is sort of counter to the way they've structured things, but it would be great if they would allow players to create and host custom games, and then have another option for players to join a random custom game through matchmaking. Maybe one reason they don't do this sort of thing is it could upset the experience and rewards economy they've built, but they could just reduce or disallow rewards for custom matches. I would still play them, for sure.

I would still really like to see a horde mode like Reach's firefight, and more customization options/weekly playlists etc.

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