Consider yourself lucky (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Sunday, October 05, 2014, 10:12 (3514 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Wow, that's kind of awesome considering how I am always desperate for Ascendant things and coins or motes. I think you and Claude are having a significantly different experience than me :)

Nah. I have 4 strange coins, total. I'm not getting any of them either. The difference is, I don't really care. :)

I literally got 4 strange coins yesterday by not even trying. 2 from engrams, 1 for leveling up the Cryptarch, and one in the crucible. How on Earth have you only found FOUR total this entire time?!

1) I play less than you do.
2) I get very few engrams at all. (I think I got 1 in half an hour of playing yesterday.)
3) I don't even know what 'leveling up the Cryptarch' means.
4) I have fewer than a dozen Crucible games under my belt, I think.

Don't worry - I'll get there (wherever 'there' is) - I'm having a blast, even if I'm not leveling up at the speed of light.

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