Yes. Emphatically even! (Fan Creations)

by Phoenix_9286 @, Wednesday, October 08, 2014, 14:43 (3779 days ago) @ Leviathan

But I DID do a quick search on my name to see if I missed anything important, like this forum thread about maps! It's closed now, but I wanted to ask if there was still interest?

I was actually going to make a follow up post in a day or two, so it's awesome you kind of beat me to it!

I've been hesitant so far as a lot of Destiny's world are pretty intricate and back and forth, which would make the map more of a challenge. But I may actually have some time to work on such a thing in the near future. I was thinking more faded/fantasy-style map. I wouldn't describe every crate and dune, but I'd get the general area and orientation and fill it with all the important landmarks.

That sounds awesome, and I don't think anyone here would've been expecting a Google Maps Satellite view from you, nor every crate, ghost, or loot drop. Gold Chests sound like something that should be marked, but personally I'm leaning towards those not being on the map either, simply because it'd suck the joy out of discovering one. And certainly not mob locations.

So are there any specific desires/wants/ for these maps, so I can slowly start putting my mind to it? Is it important to have all the separate areas of a planet together or would it be better to tackle the specific areas one at a time?

I haven't played anything outside of the Beta, so I don't have a whole lot of input to offer. I'd kind of like to see the planet's locale as a whole (Old Russia in it's entirety at a glance!), but I imagine that'd rapidly become unwieldy both to make and use. I don't think there'd be much reason to map the interiors of buildings or structures since most are fairly linear (at least they seemed to be in the Beta). It'd be nice to have some indication of where caves or underground passages go though.

Honestly, I'm just psyched to see whatever you come up with. It's bound to be awesome, and I'm bound to probably end up having them at my side when I finally get to play (assuming they're done). I'm imagining fun times whipping out the map to plan an excursion or just to do a scouting run and make notations.

Make it happen!

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