TIL you can send extra people through the [redacted] *sp* (Destiny)

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Sunday, November 02, 2014, 17:48 (3473 days ago)
edited by someotherguy, Sunday, November 02, 2014, 17:51

Once the correct portal is opened, travel is bidirectional and you can totally send someone in to help your away team.

Especially useful if things start getting hairy, cleanse isn't working due to lag, or your Aegis-holder bites the dust and is replaced by an Oracle slayer (costing you a pair of hands).

I assume this is a known technique, but Ive never seen it mentioned, so thought I'd share just in case.

EDIT: They also seem to stay open during Time's Vengeance. An opportunity to run to the other portal and revive anyone who's been screwed by those dodgy portals sending them to the wrong place. An awkward but functional solution until its fixed (please, Bungie).

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