I’ve got a gambling problem! (Destiny)

by Warbow, Monday, November 03, 2014, 11:31 (3499 days ago)

Yes, that’s right a gambling problem. Instead of losing money, I’m losing time. I stayed up until 4am on both Friday and Saturday night playing Destiny. What did I get for it? Nothing.

This is a very enticing game Bungie, kudos. The promise that the next engram dropped could be a Legendary. The lure that the blue engram I’m carrying around could contain a legendary item. Complete this strike and you could get something great.

The sad part is that not one of those things ever happen. No, what happens is I grind away saving Vanguard marks and buying armor to increase my level. In the hopes that maybe by increasing my level the drops and rewards will get better. Do they? I have no idea, from my stand point they never do.

So, sadly I now have a level 27 Hunter that can’t hurt a freakin fly. Yes, I have every rare weapon, most of them maxed out. But, they are mostly useless against higher levels.

I like the game, love the mechanics. One of the best shooters I’ve ever played. I don’t even mind playing the same missions over and over and over. Hell, I can’t fathom the amount time I spent playing Halo and Halo 2 campaign repeatedly. I played them for the fun of the game. I tried to convince myself that I was playing Destiny for the fun of the game. I can’t deceive myself any longer. I’m expecting to get rewarded for my game play and I am not.

I started playing Destiny about a month late. I watched my son play on my Xbox One using my gold account to get access to online. No big deal, he bought the game I can let him use my console for a while. I then realized that, the game was designed to never let you stop playing. I should have ran away screaming. But I didn’t, like an idiot I went out and bought the 360 version so I could play the game. Now I’ve falling into this time trap. It’s like playing a slot machine, with even worse odds than at a casino.

Last rant, in the throes of my addiction. I decide that, I’m going to do the daily strike with the difficulty turned up to level 28. Remember that I have the weapons of a level 20 even though I am level 27! I proceed to slowly work my way through the strike. I am burning through my extra ammo packs left and right. I get to the final boss and game kicks me out. Ok, that was not right. I decide to do a patrol and kill enough enemies to regain my ammo. Plus, there is always a chance that a legendary engram might drop. Ha! Replenished my ammo and bought replacement ammo packs. Let do this daily strike again. Same freakin results, kick out just as the boss comes out.

I’m done playing this lottery. Will I never play Destiny again? Nope, I’ll play but I’m not falling for the hype again.


I’ve got a gambling problem!

by Spec ops Grunt @, Broklahoma, Monday, November 03, 2014, 11:55 (3499 days ago) @ Warbow

You could have just bought a legendary weapon from the Vanguard quartermaster you know.

People need to stop treating engrams as a method of progression.

I’ve got a gambling problem!

by Warbow, Monday, November 03, 2014, 12:17 (3499 days ago) @ Spec ops Grunt

You are absolutely right and if I didn’t have this gambling problem. I probably would have succeeded in buying one this weekend. Turns out I am weak willed and decided to use my marks to buy boots to boost my light level. In the hopes that the pull of a trigger or strike would get me the weapon.

I am sometimes dimmed witted and lazy. It’s a bad combination. The reason for my rant was to help me realize that I need to stop betting on the next drop and start earning my weapons and equipment.


I’ve got a gambling problem!

by Anton P. Nym (aka Steve) ⌂ @, London, Ontario, Canada, Monday, November 03, 2014, 12:40 (3499 days ago) @ Warbow

I am sometimes dimmed witted and lazy. It’s a bad combination. The reason for my rant was to help me realize that I need to stop betting on the next drop and start earning my weapons and equipment.

Also, bounties. Do lots of bounties; not only do they level up your rep and provide bonus XP, but if you turn in enough completed bounties you'll trigger an Exotic weapon bounty; that's how I got Super Good Advice, Pocket Infinity, and the option to chase after Thorn and Bad Juju though I gave up on those due to their Crucible requirements.

-- Steve likes that you can pick which bounties to do, leaving out those that don't suit your play style, and that they refresh every 24hrs if you don't like the options available.


I’ve got a gambling problem!

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Monday, November 03, 2014, 12:44 (3499 days ago) @ Warbow

You are absolutely right and if I didn’t have this gambling problem. I probably would have succeeded in buying one this weekend. Turns out I am weak willed and decided to use my marks to buy boots to boost my light level. In the hopes that the pull of a trigger or strike would get me the weapon.

I am sometimes dimmed witted and lazy. It’s a bad combination. The reason for my rant was to help me realize that I need to stop betting on the next drop and start earning my weapons and equipment.

Take some time off. When you start missing that amazing soundtrack, those landscapes, that skybox, the way the Vex crumple and explode, and so on, come back, grab some friends, and tackle a hard level strike together.

Loot, schmoot.

You gotta play the right activities once you are a high leve

by Monochron, Monday, November 03, 2014, 12:58 (3498 days ago) @ Warbow

Basically, in order to keep leveling up once you are around level 27, it is best to stick to the same couple activities to gain levels.

  • Level 28 version of the Daily Heroic mission. Upping the difficulty to 28 guarantees you 2 ascendant materials. As those are your life blood for leveling up Legendaries, you have to get every one you can.
  • Play ONE Public Event for gold tier each day. Again, Ascendant Material.
  • Level 28 version of the Weekly Strike. 9(!) Strange Coins!!! per week guaranteed. Be ready for Xur :)
  • Do all the bounties you can so that you can actually get enough XP to level up your armor/guns.
  • Once you are level 28 you can probably solo the Nightfall each week. Just look up strategies for soloing it each week (there are plenty of videos) and be as cautious as you can. It's brutal, but the promise of a guaranteed valuable reward is worth it.

I can see how your addiction makes it hard to stick to the above :D, but if you can avoid the pull of the engrams then you can get some seriously sweet gear!

I’ve got a gambling problem!

by Monochron, Monday, November 03, 2014, 13:00 (3498 days ago) @ Anton P. Nym (aka Steve)

and that they refresh every 24hrs if you don't like the options available.

Woah, I did not know that. Darn, I probably wouldn't have gone with Super Good Advice had I known that :/
Bungie, why you no communicate game mechanics!

I’ve got a gambling problem!

by Warbow, Monday, November 03, 2014, 13:13 (3498 days ago) @ Anton P. Nym (aka Steve)

I've got the exotic bounty for the Darkness - Infused Pulse Rifle. I hit the Crucible requirement and that is were it ended. I don't want to play Crucible, so I won't.


I’ve got a gambling problem!

by uberfoop @, Seattle-ish, Monday, November 03, 2014, 13:23 (3498 days ago) @ Warbow

The good news is that you've acutely perceived that system, and hopefully won't fall into the trap as easily in the future.

The experience is awful, but it's healthy to have at least once.

Now you can join the "player investment systems suck" club. :)


I’ve got a gambling problem!

by Anton P. Nym (aka Steve) ⌂ @, London, Ontario, Canada, Monday, November 03, 2014, 13:26 (3498 days ago) @ Monochron

and that they refresh every 24hrs if you don't like the options available.

Woah, I did not know that. Darn, I probably wouldn't have gone with Super Good Advice had I known that :/

Ooh, sorry, miscommunication on my part; I know the *regular* bounties refresh every 24hrs, but not if the Exotics do.

-- Steve suspects they don't, but doesn't know that for certain either.


Confirmed: Exotic Bounties Do Not Refresh

by Blackt1g3r @, Login is from an untrusted domain in MN, Monday, November 03, 2014, 13:30 (3498 days ago) @ Anton P. Nym (aka Steve)

My wife put off deciding on hers for a couple of days. They did not refresh.

Damn, I always get the same three

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Monday, November 03, 2014, 13:35 (3498 days ago) @ Blackt1g3r

All from PvE bounties though. Are they separated out depending on the Bounty type that triggered it?


Damn, I always get the same three

by Speedracer513 @, Dallas, Texas, Monday, November 03, 2014, 13:38 (3498 days ago) @ someotherguy

All from PvE bounties though. Are they separated out depending on the Bounty type that triggered it?

No, I've been able to get all but one of the exotic weapon bounties now and I think they have ll come when I have turned in four or more vanguard bounties at the same time..


I need lots of Shards, so I'm doing this now

by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Monday, November 03, 2014, 14:50 (3498 days ago) @ Monochron

Basically, in order to keep leveling up once you are around level 27, it is best to stick to the same couple activities to gain levels.

  • Level 28 version of the Daily Heroic mission. Upping the difficulty to 28 guarantees you 2 ascendant materials. As those are your life blood for leveling up Legendaries, you have to get every one you can.
  • Play ONE Public Event for gold tier each day. Again, Ascendant Material.
  • Level 28 version of the Weekly Strike. 9(!) Strange Coins!!! per week guaranteed. Be ready for Xur :)

So far, only got Asc. Energy out of them... Now I'm set on leveling up a Vanguard helmet/boot/chest armor to shard it. Can anyone confirm if they all give out the same amount or if helmets give more?

I need lots of Shards, so I'm doing this now

by Monochron, Monday, November 03, 2014, 16:27 (3498 days ago) @ ZackDark

So far, only got Asc. Energy out of them... Now I'm set on leveling up a Vanguard helmet/boot/chest armor to shard it. Can anyone confirm if they all give out the same amount or if helmets give more?

Yeah, sometimes you'll get streaks of the same type. But two everyday and you will eventually get tons of both, it's just and RNG thing. The real worth is in the weekly strike and Nightfall. I used the daileys to build up a high enough level and weapon damage to pull of the weeklies with ease and the Nightfalls with . . . well, not ease.

You gotta play the right activities once you are a high leve

by Claude Errera @, Monday, November 03, 2014, 16:52 (3498 days ago) @ Monochron

[*]Play ONE Public Event for gold tier each day. Again, Ascendant Material.

A couple of nights ago, I was just hanging out on patrol - stumbled into 4 public events.

The first one was a take down the target - we did, gold tier, there were two ascendant shards waiting for me at the Postmaster.

The second was a Devil Walker, we golded it, I got two ascendant energy (on-site).

The third was another target - gold again, I was awarded two ascendant shards (on-site).

The fourth was a warsat - again, gold, and this one gave me one ascendant energy.

This all took place over less than an hour - so in an hour, I earned 4 ascendant shards and 3 ascendant energy. Totally new experience for me. ;)


Anton and Warbow

by Miguel Chavez, Monday, November 03, 2014, 17:08 (3498 days ago) @ Anton P. Nym (aka Steve)

Could both you and Warbow tell me your player tags, would love to hang w/ you folks and play play play. Great game.


I’ve got a gambling problem!

by narcogen ⌂ @, Andover, Massachusetts, Monday, November 03, 2014, 19:01 (3498 days ago) @ Warbow

Yes, that’s right a gambling problem. Instead of losing money, I’m losing time. I stayed up until 4am on both Friday and Saturday night playing Destiny. What did I get for it? Nothing.

This is a very enticing game Bungie, kudos. The promise that the next engram dropped could be a Legendary. The lure that the blue engram I’m carrying around could contain a legendary item. Complete this strike and you could get something great.

The sad part is that not one of those things ever happen. No, what happens is I grind away saving Vanguard marks and buying armor to increase my level. In the hopes that maybe by increasing my level the drops and rewards will get better. Do they? I have no idea, from my stand point they never do.

You'd have been better of just spending the marks on vanguard weapons, or collecting strange coins to buy exotic weapons and motes to get exotic armor from Xur. I've had two blue engrams turn into legendary weapons, but I realize that doesn't happen to everyone. Remember to pick up bounties and turn in engrams and you should end up getting some purple engrams either as part of vanguard or cryptarch upgrade packages-- as well as getting a chance for an exotic weapon bounty (I've done three so far and have one more in progress across two characters).

Sorry to hear you're not having fun.

Legendary engrams aren't supposed to be common-- they're supposed to be less common than "rare". I don't think it is supposed to be the primary channel for the acquisition of legendary or better weapons. I've bought most of mine.


I’ve got a gambling problem!

by narcogen ⌂ @, Andover, Massachusetts, Monday, November 03, 2014, 19:04 (3498 days ago) @ Anton P. Nym (aka Steve)

Also, bounties. Do lots of bounties; not only do they level up your rep and provide bonus XP, but if you turn in enough completed bounties you'll trigger an Exotic weapon bounty; that's how I got Super Good Advice, Pocket Infinity, and the option to chase after Thorn and Bad Juju though I gave up on those due to their Crucible requirements.

Good advice. Super good, even.

I can't speak to Thorn, but the bounties for Invective and Bad Juju both have Crucible requirements, but they are not nearly as difficult to attain as you'd think looking at them.

The one for Invective requires a cumulative k/d ratio of 25 across any number of games, but the calculation process is so weird that I accumulated points even in games where my ratio was negative, and I accumulated a lot in games where I was positive. I think it may be counting the maximum ratio attained at any point during a game.

The bounty for Bad Juju just requires kills; deaths don't detract. Play a few dozen games and you'll get them even if you're losing.

It helps to have a Suros Regime without the Focus Fire "upgrade".


You gotta play the right activities once you are a high leve

by narcogen ⌂ @, Andover, Massachusetts, Monday, November 03, 2014, 19:05 (3498 days ago) @ Claude Errera

[*]Play ONE Public Event for gold tier each day. Again, Ascendant Material.

A couple of nights ago, I was just hanging out on patrol - stumbled into 4 public events.

The first one was a take down the target - we did, gold tier, there were two ascendant shards waiting for me at the Postmaster.

The second was a Devil Walker, we golded it, I got two ascendant energy (on-site).

The third was another target - gold again, I was awarded two ascendant shards (on-site).

The fourth was a warsat - again, gold, and this one gave me one ascendant energy.

This all took place over less than an hour - so in an hour, I earned 4 ascendant shards and 3 ascendant energy. Totally new experience for me. ;)



XBone GT: Anton P Nym (no period)

by Anton P. Nym (aka Steve) ⌂ @, London, Ontario, Canada, Monday, November 03, 2014, 20:00 (3498 days ago) @ Miguel Chavez

- No text -


Yep, that site's REALLY handy

by Anton P. Nym (aka Steve) ⌂ @, London, Ontario, Canada, Monday, November 03, 2014, 20:02 (3498 days ago) @ narcogen

- No text -


I’ve got a gambling problem!

by SonofMacPhisto @, Monday, November 03, 2014, 20:06 (3498 days ago) @ narcogen

Legendary engrams aren't supposed to be common-- they're supposed to be less common than "rare". I don't think it is supposed to be the primary channel for the acquisition of legendary or better weapons. I've bought most of mine.

Yeah, just realized all four Titan builds I use are armor bought from Zavala and Xur. All the weapons are from leveling up factions or the VoG, save The Comedian.

Haven't found it that bad to acquire my little armory of doom.

You gotta play the right activities once you are a high leve

by Monochron, Tuesday, November 04, 2014, 05:30 (3498 days ago) @ Claude Errera

This all took place over less than an hour - so in an hour, I earned 4 ascendant shards and 3 ascendant energy. Totally new experience for me. ;)

Woah, I might have to change up my strategy then. I assumed you could only get Motes and Coins from additional gold tiers because that's all I have gotten. I got a craving for more Ascendants!

Though I definitely know that you get jack when you try to take on a Kill Target event solo and the damn guy's shield is never down for more than a second...

Anton and Warbow

by Warbow, Tuesday, November 04, 2014, 06:03 (3498 days ago) @ Miguel Chavez

Mig you are still on my friends list at least if you are still Free...

I’ve got a gambling problem!

by Warbow, Tuesday, November 04, 2014, 06:20 (3498 days ago) @ Warbow

Proud to state that I logged into Destiny last night, played for 1 hour. I completed 3 bounties including 6 patrol missions and 1 public event. I then turned off the Xbox and went to bed.


You gotta play the right activities once you are a high leve

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, November 04, 2014, 11:34 (3498 days ago) @ Monochron

[*]Once you are level 28 you can probably solo the Nightfall each week. Just look up strategies for soloing it each week (there are plenty of videos) and be as cautious as you can. It's brutal, but the promise of a guaranteed valuable reward is worth it.

I got only the dead orbit assault rifle for soloing last week's nightfall, so no, it is NOT a guaranteed valuable reward :-p


Anton and Warbow

by Miguel Chavez, Tuesday, November 04, 2014, 12:36 (3498 days ago) @ Warbow

Ah OK, maybe we're just playing at different times. Hope to change that so we can shoot some vex scum! ;)


You gotta play the right activities once you are a high leve

by Funkmon @, Wednesday, November 05, 2014, 00:13 (3497 days ago) @ Claude Errera

Oh, so YOU'VE been getting all my shards.

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