Some parting thoughts at the turn (Destiny)

by yakaman, Tuesday, November 04, 2014, 12:22 (3471 days ago)


No, I'm not done playing Destiny. Just done for while. Not two weeks after I stated how much left I had to do in Destiny, I ran out of stuff to do. I am nothing if not inconsistent.

This is a natural break for me. I hit level 29, with no real hope of progress. Completing the Raid once was great, but I have no interest in repeat runs just for phat lewts. So, I'm done for a bit as the MCC comes next week and DA:Inquisition the next. I'm certain I'll be back for the DLC in December.

I feel like Chapter 1 (Game 1, Book 1?) is in the books for Destiny, and want to summarize some final thoughts:

Destiny's Story = Anakin Skywalker
Bungie = Obi-Wan Kenobi
Joe Staten = Qui-Gon Jin
Marty = Mace Windu
Activision = Palpatine

Destiny's Story = Darth Vader
Bungie = Ben Kenobi
Joe Staten = ...
Marty = ...
Activision = The Emperor

So much potential, but now only a shadow of what might have been.

Feels great at times, but I think that's mostly because Destiny's game play, aiming, shooting, jumping and everything else is so damned glorious. As far as I can tell, the game revolves around re-spawning and hoarding heavy ammo drops. I say that, because that's what I spend the vast majority of my time doing. Pretty sure I'd have avoided this completely if there had been no such thing as MP bounties or Crucible Marks.

Single-Player Experience

Loved it. Loved playing with my friends. Really enjoy the Vanguard Strikes and the Raid. Story mode gameplay was OK, and Patrols ranged from spontaneous fun to grindy filler. In general though, awesome.

I'll probably always return for new single-player content, but will only stay as long as that content can deliver. Crucible (MP) is a non-factor.

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