
Bungie.next laziness

by katancik ⌂ @, Portland, OR/ University of Texas, Friday, March 08, 2013, 22:19 (4388 days ago)
edited by katancik, Friday, March 08, 2013, 22:22

I'm a little embarrassed to be asking this, well, a lot embarrassed. Anyway, has anyone been able to log in to Bungie.net automatically? Like, get on your browser, hit Bungie.net and you're already signed in? I always have to hit the sign-in button, scroll down to Microsoft Account, and then it automatically logs me in.

On a PC this isn't an issue really (it takes 3 nanoseconds). But on my iPad/ iPhone sometimes my Microsoft account information isn't stored and I have to log in time and time again. On a touch screen this can be a little annoying.

Glad I got that one off my chest. Bring on the lazy insults, I can take it.


Bungie.next laziness

by narcogen ⌂ @, Andover, Massachusetts, Saturday, March 09, 2013, 02:42 (4388 days ago) @ katancik

I'm a little embarrassed to be asking this, well, a lot embarrassed. Anyway, has anyone been able to log in to Bungie.net automatically? Like, get on your browser, hit Bungie.net and you're already signed in? I always have to hit the sign-in button, scroll down to Microsoft Account, and then it automatically logs me in.

On a PC this isn't an issue really (it takes 3 nanoseconds). But on my iPad/ iPhone sometimes my Microsoft account information isn't stored and I have to log in time and time again. On a touch screen this can be a little annoying.

Glad I got that one off my chest. Bring on the lazy insults, I can take it.

From what I've read on the site, this is by design and won't be changed.


The Reason

by Beorn @, <End of Failed Timeline>, Saturday, March 09, 2013, 07:55 (4387 days ago) @ narcogen

From what I've read on the site, this is by design and won't be changed.

Link of the aforementioned:

The auto-signout policy makes sense due to their multi-source authentication methods, but that doesn't keep it from being a pain in the ass. Having to re-select the auth method every time I visit B.net is frustrating. What if, instead of a Sign-In menu, they had service buttons that you'd just click directly. It would effectively remove one element from the sign-in process:

Load B.net > Select "Sign In" Menu > Click service name
Load B.net > Click service icon

It's a subtle change, but would make the sign-in process that much smoother.

The Reason

by kapowaz, Saturday, March 09, 2013, 08:40 (4387 days ago) @ Beorn

The auto-signout policy makes sense due to their multi-source authentication methods, but that doesn't keep it from being a pain in the ass.

It sounds like Bungie's hands are tied because the third-parties haven't implemented common sense authentication strategies like OAuth. If the third party issues a token which is valid for a finite period of time or until revoked then Bungie only needs to know that the token is still valid. This is why you don't have login frustrations on sites that use Twitter or Facebook as an authentication provider.

I was sure I remember hearing that all Microsoft Accounts (whatever name they're using now — it's been Passport, Live ID and a few others overs the past decade) could be used for OAuth purposes, but maybe I'm misremembering that?

What if, instead of a Sign-In menu, they had service buttons that you'd just click directly

If the weak link is the third-party auth, then that is the bit that should be sandboxed; there's no reason why Bungie couldn't have as flexible and long-lasting a session as they wanted just for bungie.net and anything that's not intrinsically related to a third-party service. But then maybe there's some reason they've decided not to do that?


Bungie.next is preparation.

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Saturday, March 09, 2013, 08:53 (4387 days ago) @ kapowaz

If the weak link is the third-party auth, then that is the bit that should be sandboxed; there's no reason why Bungie couldn't have as flexible and long-lasting a session as they wanted just for bungie.net and anything that's not intrinsically related to a third-party service. But then maybe there's some reason they've decided not to do that?

From what they've said Bungie.next is preparation for an online system to support Destiny. I would imagine since they expect people to be logging in all the time to check stats (or more) that they don't want to make a complicated login system that could cause you to become disconnected from Xbox Live/PSN without being kicked out of Bungie.net, which could cause issues with some of the ideas they may have for integration with Destiny. If Xbox Live supports something like OAuth hopefully when PSN gets upgraded for PS4 it'll support something also.

Bungie.next is preparation.

by kapowaz, Saturday, March 09, 2013, 09:23 (4387 days ago) @ Xenos

From what they've said Bungie.next is preparation for an online system to support Destiny. I would imagine since they expect people to be logging in all the time to check stats (or more) that they don't want to make a complicated login system that could cause you to become disconnected from Xbox Live/PSN without being kicked out of Bungie.net, which could cause issues with some of the ideas they may have for integration with Destiny. If Xbox Live supports something like OAuth hopefully when PSN gets upgraded for PS4 it'll support something also.

I'm not 100% sure, but I'd be very surprised if it's even possible for a third-party authentication provider to cause you to be disconnected from XBL/PSN just by logging out of a website. That's not how token-based authentication systems work, at any rate.

Obviously they're doing a lot of work to support Destiny, but I think practicality has to take a front seat here somewhere. Clearly forcing iOS users to login every time the browser is forced to reload the page (which can happen at any point due to how iOS manages memory) is not workable unless you're happy with a user-hostile experience for iOS users. Other sites with a third-party auth system have solved this problem, so I doubt it's impossible to fix.


Bungie.next is preparation.

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Saturday, March 09, 2013, 09:32 (4387 days ago) @ kapowaz

I'm not 100% sure, but I'd be very surprised if it's even possible for a third-party authentication provider to cause you to be disconnected from XBL/PSN just by logging out of a website. That's not how token-based authentication systems work, at any rate.

Obviously they're doing a lot of work to support Destiny, but I think practicality has to take a front seat here somewhere. Clearly forcing iOS users to login every time the browser is forced to reload the page (which can happen at any point due to how iOS manages memory) is not workable unless you're happy with a user-hostile experience for iOS users. Other sites with a third-party auth system have solved this problem, so I doubt it's impossible to fix.

Sorry, didn't mean to imply you'd get logged out of XBL/PSN when you get logged out of Bungie.next. I meant you could get auto-logged out of XBL/PSN in the browser due to time out with out being logged out of Bungie.net, so the stats won't update or anything. Really just speculation on my part of course.


On an unrelated topic (Unique IDs)

by nico, Saturday, March 09, 2013, 09:44 (4387 days ago) @ katancik

Does anyone have the 411 on bnet's current policy with retiring/deleting old Unique IDs? I read somewhere that it used to be 12 months, but that it was then shut off.

Most of the results from googling have provided contradictory information!


On an unrelated topic (Unique IDs)

by katancik ⌂ @, Portland, OR/ University of Texas, Saturday, March 09, 2013, 09:52 (4387 days ago) @ nico

I'm not an expert, but I've read that there's no way to delete accounts, they just go in to an "absent member" state after being inactive.

Bungie.next is preparation.

by kapowaz, Saturday, March 09, 2013, 09:58 (4387 days ago) @ Xenos

Sorry, didn't mean to imply you'd get logged out of XBL/PSN when you get logged out of Bungie.next. I meant you could get auto-logged out of XBL/PSN in the browser due to time out with out being logged out of Bungie.net, so the stats won't update or anything.

The way cookie-based authentication works means that a cookie is associated with a domain name — e.g. xbox.com, playstation.com or bungie.net. When you visit a domain other than the domain a cookie was created for, that website cannot request information stored in that cookie — only cookies it creates itself (for this reason some larger sites create cookies at the root domain and then share this information across all sub-sites; say bungie.org could have a cookie used by destiny.bungie.org and halo.bungie.org both).

As far as ‘logged in’ state goes, really all that's happening is the site is checking if you currently have a valid cookie and if not, you're asked to log in again. That cookie existing (or not) has no impact on cookies that may exist for third-parties, and so you being (automatically) logged out of bungie.net would have no impact on third-party login status.


Bungie.next is preparation.

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Saturday, March 09, 2013, 10:31 (4387 days ago) @ kapowaz

As far as ‘logged in’ state goes, really all that's happening is the site is checking if you currently have a valid cookie and if not, you're asked to log in again. That cookie existing (or not) has no impact on cookies that may exist for third-parties, and so you being (automatically) logged out of bungie.net would have no impact on third-party login status.

While typing out a response I got what you are saying. You're saying that under the current situation you could still have an active cookie with Bungie.net but not with XBL or PSN. I understand now. Yeah no idea why it's the way it is then currently.


On an unrelated topic (Unique IDs)

by Beorn @, <End of Failed Timeline>, Saturday, March 09, 2013, 11:16 (4387 days ago) @ katancik

I'm not an expert, but I've read that there's no way to delete accounts, they just go in to an "absent member" state after being inactive.

Yeah, I think the accounts just go inactive. Might be a backend database reason for that -- I imagine these systems are fabulously complex.

As a side note, did anyone else notice their user ID change with the launch of Bungie.next? Mine somehow jumped by 53. Weird.


Bungie.next laziness

by zumphry ⌂ @, Saturday, March 09, 2013, 11:25 (4387 days ago) @ katancik

I'm a little embarrassed to be asking this, well, a lot embarrassed. Anyway, has anyone been able to log in to Bungie.net automatically? Like, get on your browser, hit Bungie.net and you're already signed in? I always have to hit the sign-in button, scroll down to Microsoft Account, and then it automatically logs me in.

On a PC this isn't an issue really (it takes 3 nanoseconds). But on my iPad/ iPhone sometimes my Microsoft account information isn't stored and I have to log in time and time again. On a touch screen this can be a little annoying.

Glad I got that one off my chest. Bring on the lazy insults, I can take it.

It doesn't fix not being able to log on automatically, but this might make it easier for you to log in with iOS:

1) Buy 1Password for your iOS devices. Or LastPass, but I use 1Password, so use that.

2) Make a keyboard shortcut (or TextExpander snippet if you're super nerdy) for your email addresses. Like "kgm" for katancik@gmail.com, for example.

Settings>General>Keyboard>Shortcuts to make shortcuts, if you don't know already.

(Another option would be to store your B.net password in your keyboard shortcuts, if you don't want to buy an app, but I wouldn't recommend/do that.)

3)Then the next time you want to log in, open 1Password, find your B.net account and copy its password.

4?) Go to B.net, type in your shortcut, then paste in your password. Or use 1Password's browser if you don't want to open Safari or Chrome since it has a neat button that automatically puts in your login details on corresponding sites.

...that sounds like a lot of hoops/steps (yep!), but beyond setting it up, I've found this workflow to be a lot more efficient than pecking in my various passwords/reusing the same password/keeping my passwords in a .txt file.

Though, what works for me might not work for you. Or even be the best solution for you. Or something. I mean, who buys password apps am i rite only nerds lol...?

(I wish I was paid to shill 1Password. I just really like it and think it might make logging in on iOS a little bit less annoying for you)


but no i don't know how to automatically log into B.net on iOS.


Bungie.next is preparation.

by RC ⌂, UK, Saturday, March 09, 2013, 13:41 (4387 days ago) @ kapowaz

Clearly forcing iOS users to login every time the browser is forced to reload the page (which can happen at any point due to how iOS manages memory) is not workable unless you're happy with a user-hostile experience for iOS users.

Companion app?

Bungie.next is preparation.

by kapowaz, Saturday, March 09, 2013, 14:14 (4387 days ago) @ RC

Clearly forcing iOS users to login every time the browser is forced to reload the page (which can happen at any point due to how iOS manages memory) is not workable unless you're happy with a user-hostile experience for iOS users.

Companion app?

The companion app isn't a substitute for the entire bungie.net website.



by katancik ⌂ @, Portland, OR/ University of Texas, Saturday, March 09, 2013, 15:10 (4387 days ago) @ kapowaz

- No text -

Bungie.next is preparation.

by Achronos, Saturday, March 09, 2013, 15:48 (4387 days ago) @ kapowaz

The companion app isn't a substitute for the entire bungie.net website.

Not yet, anyway.

On an unrelated topic (Unique IDs)

by Achronos, Saturday, March 09, 2013, 15:53 (4387 days ago) @ Beorn

I'm not an expert, but I've read that there's no way to delete accounts, they just go in to an "absent member" state after being inactive.

Yeah, I think the accounts just go inactive. Might be a backend database reason for that -- I imagine these systems are fabulously complex.

As a side note, did anyone else notice their user ID change with the launch of Bungie.next? Mine somehow jumped by 53. Weird.

No accounts are ever deleted. Indeed, bungie.next doesn't delete anything - even if you edit a forum post, bungie.next keeps a copy of the old entry. That's proven handy, btw.

And the user ids changed because we imported all the old users accounts into our brand new Account system that all our services will share.

On an unrelated topic (Unique IDs)

by Claude Errera @, Saturday, March 09, 2013, 15:56 (4387 days ago) @ Achronos

And the user ids changed because we imported all the old users accounts into our brand new Account system that all our services will share.

Bummer. I used to be in the 20s - now I'm 90. :(


On an unrelated topic (Unique IDs)

by ncsuDuncan @, Saturday, March 09, 2013, 16:00 (4387 days ago) @ Claude Errera

Bummer. I used to be in the 20s - now I'm 90. :(

Yet you still look so young!

I KNEW that would turn into an age joke.

by Claude Errera @, Saturday, March 09, 2013, 16:03 (4387 days ago) @ ncsuDuncan

- No text -

Bungie.next is preparation.

by kapowaz, Saturday, March 09, 2013, 16:09 (4387 days ago) @ Achronos

The companion app isn't a substitute for the entire bungie.net website.

Not yet, anyway.

Why would you ever want it to be, though?


You made it way too easy.

by katancik ⌂ @, Portland, OR/ University of Texas, Saturday, March 09, 2013, 22:30 (4387 days ago) @ Claude Errera

- No text -


You just blew my mind

by katancik ⌂ @, Portland, OR/ University of Texas, Saturday, March 09, 2013, 22:33 (4387 days ago) @ zumphry

A keyboard shortcut for my email.



On an unrelated topic (Unique IDs)

by mnemesis, Sunday, March 10, 2013, 00:11 (4387 days ago) @ Claude Errera

And the user ids changed because we imported all the old users accounts into our brand new Account system that all our services will share.

Bummer. I used to be in the 20s - now I'm 90. :(

Nuts. I was 13 before, now I'm 54. Interestingly, HBO Junkies is 6, but Chapter Founders is 21. Of course, the Marty Army is #1.



by zumphry ⌂ @, Sunday, March 10, 2013, 10:48 (4386 days ago) @ katancik

- No text -

That Same Idea LITERALLY changed my life a few months back.

by Mercury, Chicago, IL, Monday, March 11, 2013, 09:33 (4385 days ago) @ katancik

- No text -

On an unrelated topic (Unique IDs)

by Achronos, Monday, March 11, 2013, 18:31 (4385 days ago) @ Claude Errera

Bummer. I used to be in the 20s - now I'm 90. :(

A side effect of the parallel import code, I'm afraid. Doing it sequentially would have taken quite a bit longer.

I'm still user id 1, though, so everything is good.


On an unrelated topic (Unique IDs)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Monday, March 11, 2013, 19:05 (4385 days ago) @ Claude Errera

I'm 139. Don't know what I was before, but the number can't be significant because I joined three years after Wu.


On an unrelated topic (Unique IDs)

by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Monday, March 11, 2013, 20:33 (4385 days ago) @ Kermit

I'm 139. Don't know what I was before, but the number can't be significant because I joined three years after Wu.

*obligatory Wu's age joke: 139?! I didn't know Wu was 142! Wow, I thought people were joking around.


Yeah, Achronos just confirmed, it was managed in parallel mode, so it was done in chunks, each chunk with its own lower and upper boundary.

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