
fix the network errors too (Destiny)

by Schedonnardus, Texas, Monday, November 10, 2014, 08:23 (3464 days ago) @ Cody Miller

was playing a normal run with raid virgin and a drunk (so we had two people that were so-so). Got nearly done with the left/right confluxes, and EVERYONE got dumped to orbit for the Pineapple error. everyone got dumped into their own orbit by themselves.

also, when we got to Atheon, he would repeatedly teleport 1 or 2 people. It usually ended up being the guy that was smashed. We tried to leave him dead as much as possible just so he wouldn't get teleported.

You might ask, why not ditch him? well, he is a personal friend (about a 3 hr drive away). We didn't realize how drunk he was until after we got the vault open. He said he was running low on booze, so we strung him along through the whole raid to keep him from making a beer run. After the raid was done around 12:30, another friend played patrol with him until he passed out.

So yeah, RNGesus saves lives with his false promises of level 30.

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