
Anyone else missing fixed-event Grimoire cards? (Destiny)

by kornman00, Wednesday, November 12, 2014, 09:23 (3475 days ago)

By fixed-event, I mean cards which you earn after hitting a certain event in the game, rather than a progress completion. Earning your first Strange Coin vs getting 10k kills with a Scout rifle.

I've earned hundreds of Motes of Light, but I'm still missing the Inventory/Economy Grimoire card associated with said doohicky. As far as I'm aware, it is supposed to be unlocked after you get your first one, just like with Strange Coins. Is anyone else in the same boat?

Also, does anyone else know if the "glitchy" Dead Ghosts which don't always appear (I'm aware of at least one on Earth and Mars) are for sure due to glitches, or really just because they're deemed "rare"? IIRC, the "glitchy" DG on Mars that I'm thinking of (in the pitch-black room in the Subway area) is worth 15 Grimoire score and unlocks one of the Legends & Mysteries cards. So I guess it would make sense for these to not always appear...

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