
Grimoire depth (Destiny)

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Sunday, November 16, 2014, 17:44 (3604 days ago)
edited by General Vagueness, Sunday, November 16, 2014, 18:22

As much as the Grimoire material not being in the game is bad, I have to hand to the writers, and now more than before.
There's stuff that goes with and enhances the story in the game, which has been talked about a good amount, but what I'm finding more and more is a lot of it doesn't really fit into the story proper but does dovetail nicely with some weapon descriptions, which are in the game and in some cases also in the Grimoire, and sometimes it dovetails with bounty and patrol mission text.
On top of that, and on top of the interesting tidbits and funny tidbits and short stories, there are implied stories and events that are becoming evident now that I've unlocked and read a lot of the cards. I also respect the... boldness, I guess, of not explicitly telling the story of certain things. You see stuff about Pahanin, for example, and if they told who he was it would be like "OK, that's that guy and now I have his gun; what of it?", but there are all these bits and pieces, it feeds this sense of things and people having legends. I don't think there's much talk of ancestors and descendants, but there are connections between people and places and things... I wonder if there's enough there to do something similar to the Lord of the Rings family tree.
Off the top of my head:
Dredgen Yor is tied to Shin Malphur, and Dwindler's Ridge, and The Last Word, and to Thorn, and thus to the Hive (and also what I believe to be the most oblique Marathon reference yet);
Pahanin is tied to Kabr and Super Good Advice, and Kabr talked about the Vault of Glass, and I think he died at the Battle of the Twilight Gap, so those are connections to those places (and that Crucible map and raid) and to the Fallen and Vex;
several historical figures, some of them Guardians, are tied to certain philosophies regarding the Darkness-- one of them is Ulan-Tan, and you can buy a Warlock bond that has a holographic replica of his burial ring, and one card talks about his followers causing issues for the Consensus (the leadership of the City);
another historical figure, a Guardian, I forget which, relays information on the Black Garden (and the Vex in general?), which they say came to them after leaping from the Shores of Time, linking that person and those two places, and indirectly linking the places to each other;
a Titan who fought at the Twilight Gap (not necessarily the battle with the Fallen) is implied to have talked to the Ghost that provides a post-mortem report on the Cabal;
a series of cards on the Vex describes a team at the Ishtar Collective studying a Vex specimen who turns out to have been studying and simulating them in turn, prompting them to bring in something the specimen can't simulate-- a Warmind-- to help their virtual selves (which may be their current selves), tying Warminds in general and that one in particular directly to the Vex, Venus, and the Ishtar Collective (and tangentially to Clovis Bray, if you want to reach for connections, because one of the researchers mentions them);
the Speaker regularly (always?) sells a class item called Deep Stone Crypt, and there's a card ("Legends" under Legends & Mysteries) that discusses the Deep Stone Crypt, but the class item's description says it depicts the subroutine (the infamous subroutine, as it calls it, which is a very interesting choice of words) that seeded the first Exo consciousness, while the Grimoire card describes it as a place that Guardians apparently dream about regularly and see as their birthplace-- I'm not sure what to make of that... since the place is implied to not be real, it's a logical construct in sort of the same way a subroutine is... the card could be referring to Exo Guardians or Exos in general, but I think the card is referring to Guardians and not Exos because it talks about being buzzed, slang for being drunk or "almost drunk".
What do you guys think about the Grimoire's expansion of the narrative and how it ties back into the game (and my thoughts on charting connections, which ran a little long)?


Grimoire depth

by Speedracer513 @, Dallas, Texas, Sunday, November 16, 2014, 19:29 (3604 days ago) @ General Vagueness

What do you guys think about the Grimoire's expansion of the narrative and how it ties back into the game (and my thoughts on charting connections, which ran a little long)?

I think it's freaking awesome, and there just needs to be more of it and IT NEEDS TO BE MORE INGRAINED INTO THE GAME ITSELF!!! Reading about these former guardians and their weapons and their ties to the Vault of Glass makes me want to write novels about this stuff myself.


Grimoire depth

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Sunday, November 16, 2014, 20:44 (3603 days ago) @ General Vagueness

Yes, there's a few neat story threads running throughout the Grimoire, but formatting man, formatting! Break up your thoughts into shorter, more readable paragraphs. Use a bit of bold to label sections. Use the return key to create a bit of separation between thoughts. Nobody is going to want to spend more than five seconds on one of your posts if you write them like that...


Grimoire depth

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Sunday, November 16, 2014, 22:23 (3603 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Yes, there's a few neat story threads running throughout the Grimoire, but formatting man, formatting! Break up your thoughts into shorter, more readable paragraphs. Use a bit of bold to label sections. Use the return key to create a bit of separation between thoughts. Nobody is going to want to spend more than five seconds on one of your posts if you write them like that...

I broke up the paragraphs into, well, paragraphs, and I added line breaks into the list of connections. The longest run between line breaks is 7, is that too long? Were you talking about empty lines?


Grimoire depth

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Sunday, November 16, 2014, 22:39 (3603 days ago) @ General Vagueness

Yes, there's a few neat story threads running throughout the Grimoire, but formatting man, formatting! Break up your thoughts into shorter, more readable paragraphs. Use a bit of bold to label sections. Use the return key to create a bit of separation between thoughts. Nobody is going to want to spend more than five seconds on one of your posts if you write them like that...

I broke up the paragraphs into, well, paragraphs, and I added line breaks into the list of connections. The longest run between line breaks is 7, is that too long? Were you talking about empty lines?

Um, why not use a list for a list? Not everyone is used to your brain dumps, GV, and a little more organization and whitespace might help make them be more readable.

Yes, the Grimoire cards are amazing, and your post is a testament to that. Like many other aspects of Destiny, Bungie seems to have hidden its light under a bushel.


Grimoire depth

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Sunday, November 16, 2014, 23:48 (3603 days ago) @ Kermit
edited by General Vagueness, Sunday, November 16, 2014, 23:53

Yes, the Grimoire cards are amazing, and your post is a testament to that. Like many other aspects of Destiny, Bungie seems to have hidden its light under a bushel.

Well, my point wasn't how good they are-- it was partially that-- so much as the depth and the way they're put together.
I don't know if it's something about Bungie inherently or something they tried to keep or something they went back to, but they seem to enjoy, and be good at, telling stories with holes. Marathon's terminals do this with corrupted sections, and so do Halo 3's terminals and Reach's data pads, and now the Grimoire does it by having relationships and ties only being mentioned once or twice in a big mass of cards, or not even being explicitly mentioned and relying on inference to build context and even figure out what happened and where and when.
I appreciate it, but it's immediately clear to me it's not a storytelling style that would be enjoyable for everyone, and I think it's more problematic here than in previous games because you have to have unlocked and read other cards, and/or acquired certain weapons and armor and read their descriptions, to have enough information to even infer these things. I guess I was looking for a weighing of elements or just some different views, maybe something I hadn't thought of.


Grimoire depth

by Leviathan ⌂, Hotel Zanzibar, Sunday, November 16, 2014, 23:25 (3603 days ago) @ General Vagueness

I broke up the paragraphs into, well, paragraphs, and I added line breaks into the list of connections. The longest run between line breaks is 7, is that too long? Were you talking about empty lines?

Empty lines between paragraphs would greatly help me, personally. :)


Grimoire depth

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Sunday, November 16, 2014, 23:50 (3603 days ago) @ Leviathan

I broke up the paragraphs into, well, paragraphs, and I added line breaks into the list of connections. The longest run between line breaks is 7, is that too long? Were you talking about empty lines?

Empty lines between paragraphs would greatly help me, personally. :)




by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Monday, November 17, 2014, 06:19 (3603 days ago) @ General Vagueness

Those would make the most difference per effort, imo.


The Grimoire is awesome.

by Leviathan ⌂, Hotel Zanzibar, Sunday, November 16, 2014, 21:35 (3603 days ago) @ General Vagueness

- No text -

Grimoire depth

by HavokBlue, California, Tuesday, November 18, 2014, 05:06 (3602 days ago) @ General Vagueness

My favorite Grimoire card is the transcript about Lord Shaxx sending a frame (one of the Tower robots) to deliver a warning to the Tex Mechanica weaponsmakers in the city who are trying to get him to fix Crucible matches to increase their sales.

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