
Iron Banner: fun but confusing (Destiny)

by breitzen @, Kansas, Thursday, November 20, 2014, 07:37 (3454 days ago) @ Xenos

I had a lot of fun last night! What I find hardest to adjust to is realizing every enemy is going to be different in how I approach them. It's almost better to play a team 3 times because by the third time I've figured out how each enemy plays and how to counter it. It's fun but also a lot of work when I'm ready to go to bed!

Other thoughts:

Played too much of Rusted Lands but I feel like we did get really good at playing it.

Blind Watch, I like the changes. It changes how I've come to play the map but that's not bad. With a team that's communicating well it was pretty easy to come back.

Not sure why but we played a lot of maps on repetition last night. it's a little frustrating to play the same map 3 or 4 times in a row. Maybe a bug? Anyways, just something for DeeJ to note at the next meeting! ;)

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