
Congrats (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Sunday, November 23, 2014, 13:37 (3450 days ago) @ Kermit

Just in time for the buff :-)

The Mythoclast levels up pretty fast with a fusion rifle telemetry. Buy one now!

At 300 it's a hive killer for sure.

Good suggestion! I picked one up this morning. The thing that is really slowing me down right now is lack up Ascendant Energy. I decided about a week ago to focus on upgrading all my weapons. Burned through over 60 AEs in 2 days. Now I've got a half-dozen weapons with upgrade slots unlocked, but I can't purchase the upgrades because I've used all my AEs. I was actually excited when I got a few from the Raid last night lol

Wow, i just now realized that the Mythoclast is fusion rifle. [Drools.] I thought I might do the hard raid someday, but now I'm eager.

Yup. One of its weaknesses is total ammo capacity, but if you have any gear that lets you carry more fusion rifle ammo (like the Luck Raspberry), you can significantly mitigate that downside. You can also really easily get the "Kill 2 enemies at once 20 times" bounty with it by holding down the trigger and killing multiple bad guys.

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