
Iron banner was amazing with a full fireteam *IMG* (Destiny)

by Chewbaccawakka @, The Great Green Pacific Northwest!, Monday, November 24, 2014, 14:06 (3449 days ago) @ Durandal

They should have commented early on that you must be a Titan with a Suros Regime in order to play. It wasn't till I grouped up with a few people and got into a groove that I could start to win. Having a team, even if they are not very good, is still better then going into chat and listening to the one guy complain about the rest of you not doing anything right. At least I mute myself when I start yelling at the TV :)

I'm sorry you're not having fun with it. I'm having a blast! I play a lvl 27 Voidwalker with a no-name auto rifle and I do alright. I had my very best crucible match last night in the Iron Banner!


I got my first Breaker and Reign of Terror medals in that match. I will say I was playing with randoms, and when doing so I usually just stay out of the chat channel entirely.

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